remington ultramag extractor issues

I prefer the mini m16 extractor. It's slimmer, sits right next to the lug. It's possible the brass could contact the scope on the way out. Can't see it causing failure to extract or scratching a scope. Between my personal rifles, customer installs, conversations with other smiths and shooters, I've never heard of or seen an issue.

Are the m16 placed above the lug or has anyone tried the install method of putting the m16 extractor inside the lug to get the .3 oclock hold on the case and if anyone has how did they do it . I have heard of issues with placing above the lug having the case ejecting to far up and contacting the scope anyone seen these issue and how to keep from happening
Changing bolts will likely change your headspace. It is possible your factory extractor is bent, work hardened, etc, and a new one will give reliable service. A properly installed m16 would be a great upgrade.

Isn't the factory early 700 extractor just a machined lip (hook) that is part of the bolt? Can it be changed? I am sure it is worn a kitle too.

It's a little piece of spring steel, seated in a groove. There are a couple versions. Small chore to replace one. They are somewhat difficult to remove and replace without damaging them.

Isn't the factory early 700 extractor just a machined lip (hook) that is part of the bolt? Can it be changed? I am sure it is worn a kitle too.

It's a little piece of spring steel, seated in a groove. There are a couple versions. Small chore to replace one. They are somewhat difficult to remove and replace without damaging them.

I see now. Is that pin in one end just peened in? Does it have to be replaced too? Hmmm what to do. This is on a friends rifle with a big elk hunt planned for this fall. I want it fixed and even if one has a bit of a sticky ectraction I want to be able to hit the bolt with your hand and brake it loose. The rifle now has probably 150 rounds through it all the same load. It has done this about 4 or 5 times now. Like I said before, a cleaning rod carefully put down the muzzle and a tap or two and it is out.

Exactly. It's a rivet. There's a chamfer on the pin hole. The rivet is peened and filed flush. Drive the rivet out with a small punch. You can start with a sharp punch in the center of the rivet. Doesn't take much to drive out. You can see how to install a new one.

As for what to do, if you want it to handle hot loads, abuse, and be rugged, the m16 extractor is a better option.

I see now. Is that pin in one end just peened in? Does it have to be replaced too? Hmmm what to do. This is on a friends rifle with a big elk hunt planned for this fall. I want it fixed and even if one has a bit of a sticky ectraction I want to be able to hit the bolt with your hand and brake it loose. The rifle now has probably 150 rounds through it all the same load. It has done this about 4 or 5 times now. Like I said before, a cleaning rod carefully put down the muzzle and a tap or two and it is out.

Exactly. It's a rivet. There's a chamfer on the pin hole. The rivet is peened and filed flush. Drive the rivet out with a small punch. You can start with a sharp punch in the center of the rivet. Doesn't take much to drive out. You can see how to install a new one.

As for what to do, if you want it to handle hot loads, abuse, and be rugged, the m16 extractor is a better option.

Grit, Thanks for your help and all other too. I am going to go for the M-16 extractor. I would feel pretty bad if this thing screwed up for a follow up shot if needed. It is a new build that shoots bug holes and deserves to be as good as it can be.

Thanks again!!

i am having similar issues. Mine is a remington 700 sps in 300 UM that I had turned into a 338 Edge. The load data I was given was very wrong. Over pressured the cases and have had trouble ever since. When it was a 300 UM, I never had trouble with the gun. Now, nothing but trouble.
I should also state that, this gun has a skinny case neck dimension. .364 on a loaded round. I lost about 75 brass because I did not know how to reload for this. I am now using nosler brass, still weeding out the bad brass from before.
Going to see about a new extractor and hope for the best. Don't have the money to buy a new gun now! :D
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