Remington brass or nosler custom


JEREMY logan

Do you use rem or nosler for shooting @ 800 to 1400 yrds? I can buy som rem. Brass but i don't know if i should, or just save for the nosler custom instead. I 'm shooting a 300 ultra if that helps any. Someone told me like this it's in the brass and he uses nosler custom so my question is to all but i would really like to here from those that are shooting @ extended ranges thanks jeremy.
If you are loading towards the top of the pressure curve and unless Nosler has changed their formulation stick with the REMs.

I use 300 RUM cases in a 270 AM cartridge. I loaded 10 of the Noslers with my standard load, adjusting for case volume, achieved the same velocity. The nosler primer pockets were way loose w/that one firing. I put the remainder of the cases though unused, into the brass trash bucket.

Went back to REMs. Sure wish Lapua or even Norma would come out w/RUM brass of some sort.
Thanks for the info . Do you still have the trash bucket?:D I could use them LOL. I agree maybe everyone that shoots the 300 ultra should call up norma or lapua, I would take some.
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