Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing. Why would you need/want to pillar bed a stock that already had the Alum. block in it? It's been my understanding pillars weren't needed when using a stock with the Alum. block in them but that all stocks could benefit from a good standard bedding job.
I have a VS, and that aluminum casting was of very poor quality. Wasn't strait, and the seating area was simply hit or miss. I recut mine with a ball end mill that was about .010" smaller in diameter. Then lapped it in with a steel dowl pin I made that was about .002" smaller in diameter. Then I found that after getting about 85% contact the bedding block was speading when the action was torqued to about 35 inch pounds. I pillar bedded it, and made a steel insert for the recol lug to seat against, and never looked back. Had I todo all over again, I'd have simply replaced the stock as anything would have been better.