Rem Model 7 in 7 SAUM

I'm going to have to guess No. They are pretty short actions. I have one in a 243 and I can't even load my hunting loads to the lands.

Can't say for sure about loading out to touch lands while staying within mag confines with the bullets you specify........but, I can say for sure that the Model 7 magazine box is the same length as the Model 700 magazine box, in fact, they are interchangeable..............

The Model 7 action is about 1/2" shorter than the 700 short action, but it is shorter at the rear of the action behind the magazine box. I don't believe you can open the action for the longer Wyatt's magazine box as can be done with the 700 because the action is too short.
Can't say for sure about loading out to touch lands while staying within mag confines with the bullets you specify........but, I can say for sure that the Model 7 magazine box is the same length as the Model 700 magazine box, in fact, they are interchangeable..............

The Model 7 action is about 1/2" shorter than the 700 short action, but it is shorter at the rear of the action behind the magazine box. I don't believe you can open the action for the longer Wyatt's magazine box as can be done with the 700 because the action is too short.

+1 the mod 7 can be loaded with the 7 WSM and the 7SAUM to work just like the short action
Rem. But they may not reach the lands because of more free bore on most modern high pressure cartridges like the RUMs,SAUMs,WSMs and the Weatherbys.

I use the 160 accubond in my 673 action ( the same length as the mod 7 and the xp100) for
the 7 WSM with outstanding accuracy at magazine length.

I don't know about the watts box modification to these actions because I have never done one.

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