Rem 700 scope bases ?????


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
Ok, I just picked up a 5R 300 win mag. I'm trying to decide on which scope base to go with. This will be a 90% target rifle that I plan on using Fed GM 190gr SMK's. My goal is to eventually be proficient out a 1000 and maybe beyond. I will most likely be using a vortex viper hs lr 4x16 bdc reticle. My question is, do I need a moa scope? If so, how many moa? I'm pretty green to LR shooting and have been trying to read up on this as much as I can. I know many of you guys have a tremendous amount of knowledge about LR shooting and hunting, and your help would be greatly appreciated.
Put an EGW rail on it ( I use the 15MOA on my rifles) and that way you can install a multitude of various brands of rings themselves and mounting positions.

I have been using Leupold quick release rings on my rails
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