Rem 700 feeding issue/question


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
For a Father's Day gift to my dad, I refurbished my Remington custom shop 7mm....I did the following mods;

New Bell and Carlson stock
Duracoat all exterior metal components.... Not spring, follower, etc
Installed new vortex scope with custom Kenton ballistic turret set to my hand loads

Now after all is put back together it has a serious feeding issue. The magwell will accept three rounds fine and load the first round most of the time.....after ejecting the first round two rounds immediately jump up and out of the magazine. I'm not sure where to go from here??...any help would be greatly appreciated. My dad has an elk hunt in two weeks and I need to get it fixed fast......all local gunsmiths are too busy. I'm also willing to next day it to a gunsmith on this forum who will look at it.....

Thank yougun)
some possible issues:
binding issue with mag well
"torque" issue
duracoat on feed rails
Thanks for the reply....

No duracoat on feed rails.

Not really binding..maybe a touch....I'll look further into this

What do you mean by torque?

Thanks a lot for replying!
So by implication, feeding was ok in the original stock? Have you tried putting the barrelled action back in the original stock to see if that fixes the problem? Just wondering if some dimension on the replacement stock is causing the cases to feed differently?

Also, when you assemble the magazine, toy need to put the magazine box into the action, then drop it into the magazine. Many assemble the magazine in the stock, then drop in the barrelled action, but you may have some issues with squareness this way.
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