Rem 5r 300WM - 215 Berger Hybrid Velocity??


Active Member
Feb 17, 2013
First off I am shooting a 24" barrel Remington 5r in 300 Win mag. with 215 Berger Hybrids. Using Norma brass, CCI 250 primers and 74 grains of H1000 and seated to 3.63 OAL is where I have gotten the best accuracy. My velocity is avg 2600fps. i went up to 75 & 76 grains but my group opened up some. Will this 2600fps be good to shoot long range or should I keep tweaking to try and get more velocity?
Here is the 3 shot group @100.


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That's good accuracy for sure, and it would work fine for long range, but you're leaving some performance on the table.

When I was doing the same thing you are, I came to a similar conclusion. The accuracy and velocity weren't coming together with the 215 Hybrid and H1000 in my 26" 5R. I then switched to H4831sc and ran it up to 72.5 - 73.0 grains with a CCI 250 at nearly identical OAL as yours and got fantastic velocity and accuracy with single digit ES. I run the 215s at 2835 fps in virgin brass and 2855 in fireformed.
I found that when using 210VLD's in my 300WM Milspec, I was able to increase velocity using 76.5 gr H1000 at 2775 to 2904 with 79gr Retumbo. Accuracy of sub .5MOA was equivalent and ES was improved to single digits. I use Norma brass and 215's. Bullets are seated .010" off the lands.
Have you seem any pressure sign yet? If not maybe go up a little more and see if accuracy comes back in. I will also add that 2600 seems low for 74 gr of H-1000, even from a 24". What chrono? Was it at least 18' from the muzzle? Have you tried to verify drops with that velocity at 700 plus? That might reveal a fibbing chrono. The advertised BC for this bullet has been go to go for me.

I am using a Competition Electronics ProChrono Digital Chronograph. I placed it approx 10' from the muzzle.

In regards to pressure, I have not seen any yet. Primers look good and bolt has not been sticky.
I also have not shot this out past 100yards. This is the first rifle that I have ever reloaded for so I am somewhat of a rookie.
I've recently started working with this this bullet and powder as well with Norma brass and Fed 215 primer but in a 26" barrel. I started seeing pressure at 77 grains. Went out to shoot groups with 74, 75 and 76 grains. I "guessed" my velocity at 2900 fps to enter into my Shooter Program. Set up a target at 725 yds. and shot groups. The 74 and 76 grain loads were right at MOA. The 75 grain load was slightly better but showed some vertical dispersion. Loaded up some more at 75 grains but pulled my expander ball out of my sizing die to increase the neck tension a little and went out and set target at 725 yds again. Shot some groups and was right at 1/2 MOA. Had to adjust my velocity to 2925 to get it to match my drops. I used to do a lot of shooting over a chrono but found out that they were only good for a starting point for velocity. Still had to shoot at distances to verify drops. I will get out to shoot at 1000 yds this weekend. IMHO, there is no substitute for shooting at distance to verify drops. In your case, I would carefully start working towards some higher loads to see where you get pressure. For me, my accuracy loads are usually 2 grains less then where pressure starts. Good luck and keep us posted.
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Jumpalot, thank you for the info! What dies are you using? I am using a
Lee collet neck sizer and a Hornady seater. As mentioned I am new to reloading and trying to soak up all the info that I can.
I have found that 10 feet is not close to enough with a magnum. I use 18' as a minimum. Muzzle blast moving the screens will screw with them.

I agree with Jumpalot and as I said before I would work up slowly. Might be time to drop to 1/2 gr steps.

I also had the exact same experience and conclusion as Jumpalot about chrono readings. They only got me close. But that changed when I bought the Oehler 35. They are a game changer in the world of chronographs.

Listen to what Broz says, he helped me get started with my load. I'm using Redding dies. I full length size everything I shoot. Odd thing is that everyone of my rifles (.260, 7RM, 300WM, Edge) all shoot better when I take the expander ball out. I'm not going to over think it. I also tried 74.5 and 75.5 grains, but 75 seems to be my sweet spot. Kirby Allen had a post on here some time ago about load development. He advised to work up until you see pressure then back it off two grains and that will probably be where you're sweet spot is. I loaded up 3 of each load from 74-78 grains. I then shot one each of 74, 75, 76, 77 letting the barrel cool between each shot. 74-76 grouped in 1/2 MOA and 77 jumped out of the group and had a slight ejector mark. Didn't shoot 78 grains. Repeated this 3 times and had same result each time. I took 74-76 out to 750yds. to see how they grouped. 75 was best with some vertical. Loaded up 74.5, 75, 75.5 and took them out to 750 yds and 75 was by far the best . All three were within 1/2MOA vertical of each other. Figured 75 would work. So in this case Kirby's theory worked. I've never worked loads up this way before. Not sure what my ES is and don't really care. I will see what it does at 1000yds. and hopefully won't have to tweak much. I'm really only looking at this rifle to go to 800, any further and I'll just grab my Edge.
Have you seem any pressure sign yet? If not maybe go up a little more and see if accuracy comes back in. I will also add that 2600 seems low for 74 gr of H-1000, even from a 24". What chrono? Was it at least 18' from the muzzle? Have you tried to verify drops with that velocity at 700 plus? That might reveal a fibbing chrono. The advertised BC for this bullet has been go to go for me.


I've read enough of your post to realize you seem to know what your talking about, so I'll ask:

Why should the chrono screens be at least 18' from the muzzle? Just curious.
Not Broz, but my experience is that the muzzle blast will move the screens around too much giving inconsistent velocity readings.
Jumpalot, how many rounds did you load while working up to pressure? Also not sure if this is a stupid question but how did you just remove the expander ball?
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