Reloder 25 in .270 Wea Mag

Thanks for the input guys-
1)No dork would know any of that,-first issue!
2)Lots of info on rl-22-so I will obtain some,...until then, I'm stocked with H4831,IMR4350,and obviously RL-25. When rl-25 first came out, it was supposed to be better than 7828, I loaded some 160NP's for an inch, but it has been a few years(a broken stock, a replacement, full length bedding and reassembly, now playing with correct forend press with shims, at 6lbs I get .75 with fact. 150HORN,BUT-I still get the odd flyer)and now even the Alliant site is scarce on rl-25.Are you guys seating "factory" OAL's,(which seems quite short????),or are you finding long is the WAY?
" No one of us is smarter than ALL of us ..."
Mate, in my 270Wby, I load the bullets to be just (.010") short of the magazine length and work backwards in .005" increments until I find the 'sweet spot'.
Unless you want to single load, seating bullets out further will be difficult, because the amount of freebore will restrict that length for sufficient neck tension. I cannot get bullets to touch the lands in
my rifle, so I don't bother trying.

RE25 is THE powder in every magnum of this size, up to 300Wby.

A few loads are:
Wby cases, Fed215Match primer.
Speer 130gr SP, RE25/79gr
Nosler 140gr AB, RE25/77.5gr.
Nosler 150gr P, RE25/75gr.
All these loads have been extrapolated and run through 'Quickload', you'll need to work up from at least 10% below.

I have found that like most magnum's top end loads perform the best, within safety parameters of course.
Good luck with it, great cartridge, hope it all goes well for you.
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