The accuracy potential of factory ammo anymore is impressive. Rolling your own will save you money as long as you don't add up what your setup costs are. Blinders and a really strong sense of justification without regard to the facts, have really helped me stomach the costs of hand loading.
This year alone
$200 each on 3 sets of top end dies plus bushings
$350 on a new Forster coax
$220 twice on 8 lb jugs of powder
About .55-$1 each bullet
$350 on 150 pieces of brass
about $70 on primers
Measuring tools, neck turning lathe etc......
All this on top of a small plethora of tools and components gathered over the last 20 ish years of loading
Yeah, it can pay for itself, as long as you convince yourself you're saving money. When I started loading at 15 years old, a good guy gave me an old lee kit, I figgered a powder, bullets, whatever primers were on the shelf and some cheap dies. Read everything I could get my hands on and spent an inordinate amount of time crafting loads for rifles that weren't worth the loads that resulted, but dang it, I did it myself! It's a cool hobby, if you have the time to devote to it and are into doing everything you can to wring out everything from the system you're creating, then starting over to tweak one little thing...