Reloading Rem 742

For all of you guys saying that you have/had 742's, did any of you shoot them until they wore their receivers out?

When I inherited mine it already had some chatter bumps started on the top inside of the receiver. I know my grandpa was not that into firearms, but he did hunt on occasion.

Some guys online claim that the useful life of a 740/742 is not over 500 rounds. I know mine hasn't been shot much, although I'm quite curious the useful life it may have left.

I've toyed with the idea of trying to smooth the chatter bumps out, but I'm too scared I would throw off the tolerances.
For all of you guys saying that you have/had 742's, did any of you shoot them until they wore their receivers out?

When I inherited mine it already had some chatter bumps started on the top inside of the receiver. I know my grandpa was not that into firearms, but he did hunt on occasion.

Some guys online claim that the useful life of a 740/742 is not over 500 rounds. I know mine hasn't been shot much, although I'm quite curious the useful life it may have left.

I've toyed with the idea of trying to smooth the chatter bumps out, but I'm too scared I would throw off the tolerances.

Mine made 500 rounds before the bolt went, but as stated above that was more my fault than the rifle's. I owned it awhile and shot it a lot.
Varget and 165 nbt keeping pressure low is good of not things may fly out of the receiver,seat bullet to fit in factory magazine , good luck
Thanks for all good advice
My R.E.M. 742 is like new condition (1969) I can't find any were on it
I have some IMR 4064 and Reloader 15 to start with the 180's
Eventually I would like to Reloader 16 and IMR 4461.
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