Without measuring anything?A .288 bushing should work for you.
This is correct. That fired neck is no where near what you want. I'm guessing you don't have a bullet or seating die yet? Can't think of a simpler way of doing this and you don't need trigonometry.I don't think you want to do it with a fired round.
So with the equipment and tools I have on hand here's what I'm thinking, check the case neck ID of once fired brass with pin gage, then measure OD with calipers, should get me to wall thickness. Then do the math and order the bushing. Does that sound reasonable? Or will I run into problems using this method?
Dusty I should have just stuck with my neck turning setup...haha. Trying to get too fancy too fast I'm afraid.^^^^^
Dang Sherm, didnt see this one. Good idea, glad to see I'm thinking correctly since that's what I came up with.Yeah order a .288 and .289 you should be good. Measure with your pin guages andcalipers and see what you come up with.