I couldn't agree more it must be nice to get paid to hunt, but we didnt get paid. basically we had to pay the estate to allow us to shoot on their land at their deer.
Deer have to be culled here in the UK as nearly all of their natural predators have been wiped out, we dont have wolves or bears. the only animals capable of preying on deer in the uk are us, dogs, foxes and golden eagles. apart from us the rest are more likely to scavange on carcases or kill very young deer.
As far as I am aware there is no hunting on any public land in the UK. so the only way we can hunt is to get permission to do so from private land owners. that varies from the local farmers to large privately owned estates, land owned by timber companies and land owned by government bodies, which include the Ministry of Defence, The Forestry Commission and each countries national heritage department.
The only way we normally get to keep the carcase for meat, is if you are shooting on farmland and the farmer lets you keep the carcase(this would be considered pest / vermin control because he doesn't want to grow crops to feed wild deer), or if you have leased a chunk of land from one of the other groups mentioned above, where it is normally in your lease agreement that you keep the carcase and report any kills.( you normally have a cull to meet in order to keep your lease), especially with any of the timber companies or the Forestry Commission (they dont like deer chomping on fresh young trees they have just planted)
Almost forgot
at todays exchange rate £1.30 is about $2.11
So lets just see what a days hind stalking keeping one carcase would cost
£150 for each shooter or $244.17
130lbs @ £1.30 per lb or $275.11
total $519.28
Thats before we factor in 8 gallons of fuel at £4.82 per gallon or $7.85 a gallon and a modest tip for the estate stalker / ghillie. the price I have quoted for the days hind stalking is probably about middle of the price bracket paid, depending on which estate or from whom you have bought the day.
Ok I'm gonna stop typing now as my keys are getting all bloody
all the best