Red Creek Tactical?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
I sent Ernie 3 Barrels almost 5 months ago to be be re-crowned and a Cerakote Finish. I have sent him several Emails and phone calls within the last week with no response. I have not heard back from him. Does anyone know whats going on at his shop??
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I sent Ernie 3 Barrels almost 5 months ago to be be re-crowned and a Cerakote Finish. I have sent him several Emails and phone calls within the last week with no response. I have not heard back from him. Does anyone know whats going on at his shop??

Saw some negative comments via Google and hope that is not the case for you.

Good luck!
If you go to the Northwest Firearms Forum, and to the Gunsmith, Refinishing section you will see several less than complimentery posts concerning what you have described. Several people posted that the time frame was a year or more, instead of the 2 or 3 weeks they were promised. They could not get their guns or gun parts back. Their calls or e-mails had not been returned.
Several called Cerakote and complained to them directly since Red Creek Tactical was listed as a preferred/certified applicator of the Cerakote product.
Two of the customers had Cerakote contact Ernie Bray (owner) and as a result they got their items back.
One customer stated he called the Police, the ATF, and the BBB and reported the problems.
Ernie Bray and Red Creek Tactical was supposedly removed from the Cerakote list of preferred/certified apllicators.
Most of the posts were at least a year old, maybe Ernie was able to get things straightened out.

**** Maybe a call to Cerakote will get things moving for you. It worked for several others in the past.
Good Luck !!
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