Recommended throating for the 25-284

Recommended throating for the 25-284
Im in the process of rebarreling several of my custom 98 mausers that mu dad and I built several years ago. My dad was a custom gun and stock maker . The first rebarrel will be from 284 win too the 25-284 . Im mainly interested in shooting hammer bullets of several diff weights 92 gr 117 gr possibly the 128 gr, what woud be the proper throat for those bullets for the 25 -284
What ever it takes too get it right. I will either have the barrel made by Bartlein in my specified twist existing contour copied. I will chamber it too my specifications by a gunsmith even if I have too by a reamer . Bartlein will not chamber and thread for mausers . Douglas will chamber and thread but throating is another story I just need too know what would be the best throat and I can go from there I would prefer bartlein
What ever it takes too get it right. I will either have the barrel made by Bartlein in my specified twist existing contour copied. I will chamber it too my specifications by a gunsmith even if I have too by a reamer . Bartlein will not chamber and thread for mausers . Douglas will chamber and thread but throating is another story I just need too know what would be the best throat and I can go from there I would prefer bartlein
First, let's make sure you are actually asking for throating (i.e., +P throating) or freebore?

If it is freebore, IIWY, I'd ask for a copy of a .25-284 reamer from a reamer manufacturer (i.e., Dave Mason Precision Reamers) and see if it meets your requirement the bullet you are going to use. For instance, Cayuga 117 recommends the optimal freebore of .160-.210".

I will be using the same bullet on my .257 WBTY with a .378". Having both options might boil down to personal preference and intended use. In my case, I am good without the +P throating.

You can also rent both the reamer and throating tool,
First, let's make sure you are actually asking for throating (i.e., +P throating) or freebore?

If it is freebore, IIWY, I'd ask for a copy of a .25-284 reamer from a reamer manufacturer (i.e., Dave Mason Precision Reamers) and see if it meets your requirement the bullet you are going to use. For instance, Cayuga 117 recommends the optimal freebore of .160-.210".

I will be using the same bullet on my .257 WBTY with a .378". Having both options might boil down to personal preference and intended use. In my case, I am good without the +P throating.

You can also rent both the reamer and throating tool,

I'm speaking of freebore I'm not sure if its going too make much difference from the standard freebore thats normally used for the 25 -284 I just dont know what that is trying too figure it out probably shorter the better up too a point it could be .100 .130 .145 etc Looking for suggestions
I'm speaking of freebore I'm not sure if its going too make much difference from the stan, dard freebore thats normally used for the 25 -284 I just dont know what that is trying too figure it out probably shorter the better up too a point it could be .100 .130 .145 etc Looking for suggestions
That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure. Again, this depends on what bullet you are going to use. That's why I provided you the Cayuga example in #6. If you opted for .100, .130, .145, the Cayuga 117 might not be optimized because their test recommendation is .160-210" zone. It just depends on your intended purpose. For instance, BlackJack's reamer for their .25-284 made by JGS Precision ( has a freebore of .291" specifically designed to optimize their 131g bullet. I would hate for anyone to make a .150" recommendation and then you decide on Cayuga 117 or Blackjack 131.
I have two rifles that I had .250 freebore done. They become single shot rifles because the length.
I got the idea from owning a 30-378 Weatherby. I would have extremely long OAL when loading 240 gr 30 cal target bullets making it a single shot. So I went with .250 freebore on my 29 inch 270 and experimented with up to 190 gr vld bullets.

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