Recommended Scope for Long-range .300 Win Mag use...

I like all of the Burris Signature Rings. What's great about them is that they are rock solid, you can cant (tilt) your scope with the plastic inserts and because of the inserts, they don't leave any marks on your scope. So if you ever want to sell the scope later, there won't be any ring marks.

Now, of the various Burris Signature Rings which ones do I like? Personally, I like the double dovetail. The bases for them are small and dovetail is rock-solid and tight. Also, they have a very clean look. I have them on two of my rifles and will soon be on a third rifle of mine....

Now to throw in one more wrinkle for will notice that scope rings come in various heights. Because scopes have different size front objectives (generally speaking 40mm or 50mm) you need a different height ring based on the size of that front objective. To find what the height you need, call Burris and talk to their technical people. Tell them the scope you have, the size of your objective, the rifle and the barrel contour. From that, they should be able to determine the proper height. If your situation is on the cusp of one height and another, they will recommend the higher ring. I know this, because that's what I did when I was mounting my Leupold MK4 on my 308. Once I got the rings, I quickly determined that I could use the next lower ring (you want to mount your scope as low as possible). So I ordered the lower rings and all is good now.

:D I like squaring stuff away before I come to it. So I would probably want to use the +.010 insert on the front ring of the scope correct? I'll be contacting Burris through email(phones are crappy over here in Iraq) and asking them what they think for a Remington 700 XCR Tactical Long Range .300 Win Mag with a Bushnell Elite 6500 4.5-30x Mildot scope. Tactical version of the scope or a regular hunting version? The only different is turrets I think...
:D I like squaring stuff away before I come to it. So I would probably want to use the +.010 insert on the front ring of the scope correct? I'll be contacting Burris through email(phones are crappy over here in Iraq) and asking them what they think for a Remington 700 XCR Tactical Long Range .300 Win Mag with a Bushnell Elite 6500 4.5-30x Mildot scope. Tactical version of the scope or a regular hunting version? The only different is turrets I think...

In order to cant your scope (with the rear higher than the front) you will need to put one of the "plus" on the back and a zero or 'minus' on the front. For instance, in order to cant my scope +30, I put a +20 on the rear and a -10 on the front.
In order to cant your scope (with the rear higher than the front) you will need to put one of the "plus" on the back and a zero or 'minus' on the front. For instance, in order to cant my scope +30, I put a +20 on the rear and a -10 on the front.

Just realized that the Bushnell scope you're considering has a 30mm tube. 30mm Burris Signature Rings come with a set of 'zero' inserts and "tens". So in order to cant your scope +20 (which I would do), set up the rear +10 and the front -10. Make sense?
I was leaning towards a Bushnell Elite 6500 MilDot but I'd like to get yall's opinion. What do yall like and use and if you planned on doing some longe-range hunting as well as short-range hunting depending on the terrain and area you're in, what would you carry??
ih there... i personally use a DOA trophy extreme from Bushnell in DOA 800 rericle.. with a 20 Moa picatinny base ... so i gain another 20moa on the scope that as 60 Moa in elevation.. plus the reticle is set for 800 yard giving u another 22.5 in elevation.. i got a small deere at 578 yard having the scope zeroed at 300.. and my last shooting session got the target in steel plate at 1450 yards.. in not mildot but does the job well if u do.....scope cost me
ih there... i personally use a DOA trophy extreme from Bushnell in DOA 800 rericle.. with a 20 Moa picatinny base ... so i gain another 20moa on the scope that as 60 Moa in elevation.. plus the reticle is set for 800 yard giving u another 22.5 in elevation.. i got a small deere at 578 yard having the scope zeroed at 300.. and my last shooting session got the target in steel plate at 1450 yards.. in not mildot but does the job well if u do.....scope cost me
only 350 dollars installed on REM 700 long range hornady 168 gr bullet...i'm happy and plenty of adjustment plus hold zero perfectly .. lucky maybe.. but you should look at it..with you caliber and without a 20 moa base you should have a zero at 300 right in the cross with 165 grains federal fusion. with just one full moa up adjusted in the turrets...for the crosswind? you'll do your homework..goid luck

I have three of the Bushnell 6500 4 1/2-30X50. One is the mildot version. One is a 600 DOA, and the other is a plex. You won't go wrong with any of them. My favorite is the 600 DOA. They match the Swarovski z5 and Leupold vX-6 in low light performance. The other day I compared it in low light with a Zeiss Conquest HD5 5-25X50 and beat it by twelve minutes. It is lighter than either the Zeiss or the Leupold and only four ounces heavier than the z5.

I have three of the Bushnell 6500 4 1/2-30X50. One is the mildot version. One is a 600 DOA, and the other is a plex. You won't go wrong with any of them. My favorite is the 600 DOA. They match the Swarovski z5 and Leupold vX-6 in low light performance. The other day I compared it in low light with a Zeiss Conquest HD5 5-25X50 and beat it by twelve minutes. It is lighter than either the Zeiss or the Leupold and only four ounces heavier than the z5.

Rich, are there any after market tactical turrets that can be added to the 6500?
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