Recommend me a thermal scope

Armasight is your best bet in that price range. This might be snobby but I think of ATN products as toys. At least armasight makes military grade equipment. Even if in the price point it will be outdated tech but that's why the price point is good. There's plenty of YouTube and google reviews. Good luck.
Does any company make a Thermal that does not have recording capabilities? With remote app option seems like a bad option to me with the way things could be headed...
Any recommendations between the pulsar apex, trail, or helion looking at an xp38 or 50 used right now
If you buy used, make sure you get the recipt from its original purchase. With out that any chance of warranty repair is out of the question. Thermals are known to need warranty work sometimes. That being said, I had a pulsar trail xq38 and was really happy with it.
Does any company make a Thermal that does not have recording capabilities? With remote app option seems like a bad option to me with the way things could be headed...
Not that I know of. Even the military ones had vid out option. You'd be hard pressed to find thermals that can mount to a rifle and NOT have some type of record/vid out.
What about night vision? Would a guy be better off going that route?

I can't say what's better for you, let alone agree with there being an issue with remote app or whatever, but nightvision is fine, just know that the price point will be in the gen of the scope being used. $3000 will get you a 2nd gen. Good enough for for civilian practice imo, especially combined with a IR illuminator and maybe a silencerco radius. It's a money pit though once you go down the nightvision rabbit hole to get premium field use. I'd probably stick with thermals. Cheaper in the end.
What about night vision? Would a guy be better off going that route?
I looked at it but in wisconsin lights can only be used at point of kill which is a real grey area, and most night vision needs some sort of light to work that's why I was looking at thermal
Trijicon Mk2 or Mk3 hunter. Buy once cry once. Outstanding warranty, Upgradeable, outstanding performance. Enough said. Buy one used and run it. You can upgrade it through UNV if it's an early release and get the updated core, and latest n greatest.
Got the mk III 35 mm... got it for 6500 at Made an offer and negotiated... very true but once cry once... pulsar was a close second! Good luck
I stared out with a mk2 19mm I picked up cheap off hide, real cheap, sent it in to trijicon, upgraded to a mk3 35mm and replaced the old nonsense with latest n greatest as of October '18. Crystal clear picture and in it for less than what you could buy a mk3 35mm for.

The pic below is 2 headshot coyotes, 1 bullet. 308, 168fgmm.
need your guys input here is what i came down to. what one would you recommend?

Used Pulsar Apex XQ38 with factory box and original receipts for $2,800

Used Pulsar Apex XD38A just scope no paper work for $1,900

Used Armasight Zeus 640 3-24x75 for $2,700
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Just keep in mind that if you are in cold weather it's "possible" you might need a extended battery pack with the armasight. I took a quick look to see what they are going for these days, looks a lot cheaper than 5 years ago.
need your guys input here is what i came down to. what one would you recommend?

Used Pulsar Apex XQ38 with factory box and original receipts for $2,800

Used Pulsar Apex XD38A just scope no paper work for $1,900

Used Armasight Zeus 640 3-24x75 for $2,700
For that price range, I would save a little more and get a new trail xq38. I bought mine for $3250 shipped 2 day, with a spare battery for that price out the door from Myron Morrow at night vision outfitters.
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