Recognize this trigger???

Shane Lindsey

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Anyone recognize this type of trigger.
Came off a Rem 700. Doesn't appear to be factory, but I am not sure. Seems to have a double set??? in the trigger. Kind of like an Accutrigger but does not depress and then hit the wall. It IS the wall. Makes it very soft.
Any info would be great.

If I could get to the safe could send pictures. If you need a picture, maybe when my son in law gets home he can find the one not in a rifle. Ruger No. 1 I never had installed. I have one on an Interarms Mauser currently. One on a 721 years ago.
Canjar single set trigger, I would keep the wide shoe(main trigger) set at 3 pounds for hunting and the little shoe for approx. 6 Oz's for range work. They were very well made triggers and worked as advertised, back in the day.
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All of my old Sako's have Canjar set triggers…best trigger ever made.
I bought an old L46 Sako single shot action, no stock, that had the first Canjar trigger I had ever seen. It was an early BR rifle in 222Rem, found a period BR fibreglass stock for it and was amazed, it still had the factory barrel and would print .2" groups at 100 with regular monotony.
Never could find an original wood BR stock for that rifle, it resides at my Uncles place now, he still uses it on rabbits and foxes.

Is canjar still operating? I remember trying to go to the new place that they had moved into in the year 2003 or 4 in Denver . There were a lot of road works around their building at the time and nobody in the premises.
Is canjar still operating? I remember trying to go to the new place that they had moved into in the year 2003 or 4 in Denver . There were a lot of road works around their building at the time and nobody in the premises.
I believe the owner passed away several years ago, and the business was closed.
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