Recent March scope info


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
N. Michigan
Now that they have been on the market a while I was wondering about the input from guys that have been shooting them a while. Tracking? Glass clarity? Toughness?

I am thinking about ditching my 2# Nightforce to go to something lighter.

Those are second focal plane and I have not tried them, but a number of people here shoot them and seem to be very happy with reticles and tracking. I hear nothing bad about any March, except parallax adjustment is a bit tricky.
Eye box is also just a bit tight. Good glass and love the magnification range. Not sure why other companies have trouble doing a 8X or higher magnification range.
I was looking at the 2.5-25 models. What's your experience with them?
I have been using a March 2.5x25x52 SFP/MOA with the MP-3 reticle for about two years. Overall, the scope has performed perfectly in terms of tracking precision, holding zero, and durability. While compact and light weight, like the Nightforce it gives the impression of a excellent finish with solid construction. The 2MOA reticle is calibrated at 20x, with 10x and 20x marked in red on the power ring. While I originally purchased this scope for its more compact size and light weight, for use on my carry LRH rifle, which it nicely achieves, the unique feature of this scope is it's glass. While it may not be as bright with high color contrast as some scopes, the resolution is superb, and most importantly, it handles haze and glare far better then any of my other "quality" scopes(NF-NXS/ATACR).Vortex AMG, Leupold, Huskemaw). The particular scenario would be shooting into a low sun which produces the dreaded "yellow/orange haze". That washes out the animal/target. I have many times lost a good shot due to this issue. The March coating technology is clearly superior to my other scopes in this respect, nicely cutting through with a sharp image. There are a couple of aspects about the scope that are controversial. Typical of high magnification factor scopes(2.5x25 for a 10xMF), below 4x, you can see a faint portion of the barrels last few inches in the bottom of the scope. Also, as mentioned, 10x MF creates a smaller eye box. All this is a nit to me, but it bothers some shooters. Another is the parallax/focus turret. While it is parallax free when the target is in focus, it is a fast ratio design. I much prefer this approach compared to the vague and slow long ratio design of the Nightforce. The AMG, new ATACR-F1, and Huskemaw also have fast ratio designs. Finally, while the zero stop works well, and is fast and easy to set compared to the other scopes, however, the elevation turret slot may be marred if care is not taken. Best to use a soft metal or plastic screwdriver. Overall, I really like this scope. It's one of the few high quality, compact, scopes that will fill the bill with a medium hunting rifle used for long range hunting. The Huskemaw 5x20 at $1000 less cost is a fairly close second which was my go-to in a light/compact scope for seven seasons prior to acquiring the March.
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