J E Custom
Well-Known Member
I don't often disagree with J E but will make an exception this time i made .308 rebated boat tail bullets for years, and still do on occasion. They are not more difficult to make, you simply use a different tooling for the base. I've shot literally thousands of them and they were as accurate as anything I've ever shot. I once posted a pic of a 1.18" group on this forum that was shot at 880 yards with some of my 190 grainers.
Once, I modified the base on some SMK's
and tested both side by side at 100 yards. They both shot extremely well but the rebated ones shot slightly better. It was a small test and I never tried to repeat it so I can't say positively that it might have reversed the next time? I posted a lot of pics years ago of these bullets on this forum. I would not be at all afraid of them if you choose to try some. My opinion....rich
Sorry Rich
I rarely disagree with elkaholic (Rich) ether and this time is not one of them. I stated that I could never get them to shoot "AS WELL" as some other bullets in my rifles. Rich even shared some of his bullets a long time ago with me to try. They shot very good but I had one load that shot better and I decided to stay with that load until i found something better.
Being older, I build all of my rifles with conventional or slightly faster twist rates so most bullets work well. I don't want to build a rifle around a certain bullet and find out that it hates that bullet and that nothing else will shoot in it, so i stay away from this concept and like barrels that will shoot many different styles of bullets for there versatility based on need.
As I stated earlier, I tried the RBBT bullets a long time ago (In the 70s) and could not make them shoot in my rifles. The idea is good
and they should shoot well. Over the years, I have tried them and never found them to best the conventional bullet styles of the time. we are learning more and more and maybe someday I will master the RBBT bullet. (It took a long time to figure out how to make the Berger's shoot with lots of free bore, so maybe one day "I"will figure out the same with RBBT bullets.
Not to patronize rich, but his were the best i had ever shot. but one load shot better and its hard not to use the best accuracy load you find.
I load almost every style and brand of bullets because rifles that like some bullets will hate other styles. So I keep my options open to get the best from all my rifles. The hunt continues.