
I looked at Dougal barrels. They offer their air gapped premium barrel installed on your action for $500.00. To me that sounds like a good deal. I know they have been around a long time, but dont hear many people talk about them. For a hunting rifle I would feel they would be good enough.
I have not bothered to read the 5 pages of posts, so I'm sure some came along already with this info...

Is it possible for the do-it-yourselfer to set the headspace on a barrel?

Yes you can, I have done a on two different rifles. Both were M48 Mauser actions, but they still head space just like a Remington.

I bought two short chambered barrels, for mauser actions. I then used a finish reamer to do the head spacing by hand. I used go, no go gauges just to make sure I did cut them too deep.

Both rifles shoot super good, so it's not rocket science but you do have to be careful with what your doing!
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