I was an early adopter of CM.
From the git-go I went through some pretty extensive testing/tuning with it, including programming, straws, a preload on the scale(to bring it to a mechanical mid weight for linearity), a center rod down the tube, and analog speed adjustment. I compared all charges using an Acculab scale(considerably higher resolution).
All of it helped & worked well really.
The potentiometer gives me the ability to fine tune speed, on the fly, for different powders. It's way easier than developing different program settings for each powder by trial & error. I reach up & adjust until the trickle speed jogs to just drop single kernels.
The adjustment is very subtle to overall speed in that it doesn't appear to affect the first 2 speeds at all. It is barely noticable with the third slowest speed, but directly influencing jogs/bumps.
I have an arrow around that adjustment hole now toward F/S in speed. 'F' is counter clockwise with that pot. Just something I dug out of a drawer in the garage(10-turn, 10ohm).
After so much effort in validating charges and playing with it, I got to where I could nail desired within 1-2 kernels consistently. Once there I got rid of the Acculab(accurate as hell, and terrible for reloading). There is a lot more to a good reloading scale than pure accuracy.. And there is a lot more to charging than measuring weight with a scale.
I could not imagine dispensing charges without a CM now, and would never again.