

My Walmart special......only kidding!....grin!
Divergence: 2X4 Mrad the g seven website says the divergence is 2x4 MRAD
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That Vector is great but I would hate to pack it at 3.7 #'s. I was using a friend lieca 2 nd. one at range few days ago and it smoked my older square type 1200. I had to try 4 times on rock to get1191 with a rest, 1600 was free hand and bamb, first shot reads out to 1500, hillside , trees, rocks,well out paced mine. His first one mine would out do under 800. Sound like it was working better than yours SBruce. I HAVE 4 FRIENDS NOW ON 2nd, one on #3, But new run seemed good.
Divergence: 2X4 Mradthe g seven website says the divergence is 2x4 MRAD

Ouch, that should be big enough. I feel that is the biggest problem with the swaro and it is 2 milrad in all directions. So 2x4 would be 6' x 12' at 1000 yards. I bet it spits out range numbers quick, problem is you won't know what you just ranged.

Keep the rangefinders simple, fast, accurate, small and lightweight!! Increase the range capability and decrease the beam divergence if you want to change something, but leave the ballistic programs to the computers.............\

Having a bunch of separate instruments each with thier own readouts is no advanteage either. Without instrumentatiion you still have choices:

1. SWAG (Scientific Wild *** Guess) If you use it often you'll still get some kills. You'll also wound and lose game. Works ok combined with 2 or 3.

2. Use spotter shots (near but not on the target) to determine the actual wind deflection and bullet drop. With that information you don't need to know the wind speed at any specific point, the ballistic data on your ammo. the air density, or the distance better than a SWAG. This method takes the least extra equipment and is more accurate than any other method if the second shot is taken before contitions change. The downsides are that it may be impossible to see the impacts depending on terrain and it may scare the game.

3. Stalk close enough you won't miss. This method has worked well for millenia even with bows and spears. Sorry if that's blasphemy on LongRangeHunting.com.
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I do gotcha there, A friend I shot with few days ago did a 30'' windage adjust, and it did'nt even seem like hardley any breeze, based on sighters.He caught a shift at a shoot a few weeks back, and when he went down he was about only one in the blue.
I don't know if the OP is still watching this thread, but I just got my Leica 1600 in the mail and am very impressed thus far. I was between the Leica and Swaro as well, but when I played with both of them in person, the Leica was the standout with the smaller crisper reticle, super fast readings, and more comfortable in-hand use. Good luck with whatever you choose,

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