Rangefinder purchase any suggestions appreciated


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
Pa / NY
My teenage boys would like to setup a few spots at various distances out to 1K yards, we have the open land, just need to buy a rangefinder to stake off the distances.

anyone suggest a reasonable rangefinder for this one time simple task that is reliable and accurate?

Thanks gents :)
look for a new or used Leica 1200 CRF-Y.

I feel they are the best bang for the buck and they are accurate and precise.

Jeff gun)gun)
I would say the Leica also, but if you are going to be setting up stakes and permanent stuff, you could also use a GPS.
Man I really like my Leopold RX-II.
Keep in mind I'm a Bowhunter and the RX-II is only good out to 600yds.
But I know Leopold Makes some out to 1500. Their Range finders are reasonably priced, durable, compact, light weight easy to set up and operate. Just my experience.
Zeiss Victory PRF 8x26 Rangefinders are on $100 rebate until the end of the year. A very good rangefinder and a very legitimate contender with the leica 1200 crf.
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