Rangefinder binos

I just received the new Vector X range finding binos and am very impressed. I have the Revic blr10bs as well and really enjoyed them, but the Vector X glass is far superior. I think these are the two top units available right now for ranging/ballistic solving binos. I like the ability to Bluetooth to Kestrel with the Vector X as well.

I imagine there will be some good deals on used Revic BLR10Bs here as more of the initial orders of the Vector Xs get into people's hands.
I just got mine as well and I agree! I have a terrapin X that I have owned for years and it doesn't hold a candle to the Vector X. From my deck, across a lake, 3100 yards one touch, docks, boats and trees. Early morning, midday and dusk. Light rain and clear. No scanning! My terrapin X can only do it in scan mode early morning and dusk. Glass is good, and the display is fantastic. I have the 12X42 MSR-SMR. Also the App is really nice and easy to use! It also connect to your Kestrel and many other similar devices.
I have had Zeiss Rf 10x42 for three years and love them.

So much with glass is subjective- user's eyes and conditions.

The range finder and ballistics have worked great for me within hunting distances.

To my eyes they are very comparable to a pair of 10 El's I have, I don't feel like i am making a trade (image quality for convenience)

I change the battery out April 1, & Aug 30. Every year preemptively. And have had no issues with them or the app.
No one uses the vortex fury 5000?
I have some. With the Applied Ballistic. The glass sucks. Even compared to the viper level of vortex binos the Fury's are still blurry. No crispness. The ballistic solver is great. I bought these fury's for guiding thinking it would save me time when setting a Hunter up for the shot. They didn't work for my needs as 80% of my day was looking through binos to spot animals. After a hour my eyes would start to hurt along with my head. I ended up using my backup binos (vipers) and an sig rangefinder the rest of the season. The Fury's now sit in the shelf.