3 coyotes yesterday and one fox.........saw something I have not seen to the sheer numbers...driving down a not so traveled road, off to the left was the tail end of a reservoir and there was a dead cow, mostly gone, 180 yards off the road....10 coyotes on and around that cow
I have seen 4-6 before but never that many. Kept driving as I did not want to shoot runners....went into the vacant yard and walked back 3/4 of a mile in the road ditch, rollie country, sniped one at 401 yards, missed two at 300......
.........I now have my harris bipod BACK on my .204 the 6-13" one as I could have easily killed 3 to 4 if I would have been steadier (prone), sticks sitting up just didnt cut it. Waited a bit and went a mile east called in one male, shot him circling behind me at 80 yards..made a couple more calls no luck...drove back by that cow, yearling female ran off it, I stopped and barked at her, she turned broadside at 300 yards, dead flop into the body....all three coyotes ( 2 males, 1 female), no exit hole, all dead right now. On the way home, older female fox laying on her mound 120 yards off the road, cross hairs under her chin, impact blew her over (probably 8 # fox or so) and it went in her chest straight on, no exit, wow was I surprised. Storm is just starting to break, going to hit that cow at daylight, as I only killed 3 of the 10, maybe 4 or 5 tomorrow, GOD willing. I just love calling, sneaking on or sniping coyotes.......I bought the bell & Carlson stock, love it, feels like you are pointing the gun and tucked into it better as it is vertical gripe and a higher comb....impact on paper is the same as other stock. Been a good week, 10 coyotes total.......if I did like the old days and had my harris bi-pod on, it would have been 5-7 more...........sometimes you cant fix stupid, as I knew better and a coyote is a small target, you have to be rock steady. suppose to be sub-zero in the morning.........just perfect coyote weather other than deer season opened today......more traffic.