When the fur prices are down a lot of people, it seems, tend to not be as particular about putting up their fur as when the prices are high. But for me it meant that I needed to get the best price I could for my fur. So that meant I needed to be even more picky about putting my fur up, cleaning it and stretching it, sewing up any holes getting the burs, mud and blood out. I skinned mine carefully, I used air and a sports ball needle sharpened to a point to air then up like a balloon by inserting it under the skin of the legs and pumping them up gently. Made my cuts up the back legs and wrists then pealed it down to the head and carefully made the ear cuts eye cuts and around the lips. Then I turned them fur side out put them in my old wringer type washer and washed them with a milder detergent, I have used Dawn dish soap in a pinch, and cold water then rinsed them in clean water after hand wringing them out. I would wring them by hand again then hang them by the nose in a cool place, not cold enough for them to freeze, let then drip dry for a day then turn them fur side in and put them on my wooden stretchers snug them tight but not quite tight as I were stretching them and use my curved needle with mint green dental floss, so the tanner would know it was sewn up and not ruin it, use a running stich to close the holes if I had any. Pull it tight and stretch it then if I needed to clean any excess fat off of the skin. I tucked the front legs in to the leg holes for ease of pulling them out latter. I then hung them up by the nose again till it was time to turn them fur side out when the skin felt good and dry to the touch not sticky. I had holes drilled in the end of my stretchers so they would fit onto headless nails to hang them on bent at an upward angle. Thats when the combing and deburring started the burs would be softened by washing the fur and make it easier to get them out of the fur without breaking the fur. Would you rather have a nice new shiny silver dollar or an old dull worn one that has been carried around for years in someone's pocket? If I'm going to get 5.00 tops for my fur that is the best, I want all of my furs to look their best in hopes of getting the best the buyer will pay. After a few times the buyer will know what you do and will be able to see you and expect that you are doing as well as you can and that you give a s607 about handling your fur so he will do you the best that he can.