When we go out to call or hunt coyote it pays for me to look at and observe what the other animals are doing at the time . Over the years I have noticed that when the livestock , deer and other animals are laid up so will the predators be laid up and less interested in coming to the call . That tells me several things . I will have to be more specific about my calling stands being closer to where they will be laid up . I will need to be more selective about the sounds and their volume , that I will use , starting with a lower volume . I will most likely need to spend more time per stand then I normally would . I will need to be looking more for a standing animal or one that is just laying and watching me , this part is more like in the spring of the year when they are more likely to be watching their den and you if you are using coyote vocalizations . here again is where it pays to be flexible in what we do and not get stuck in a rut doing the same things all of the time . Be observant of our surroundings not just look at them . I still believe in setting down and writing a journal , log or after action report what ever it is that you want to call it as it helps me to recall what I was observing that day and then to be better able to put it to use down the road in similar situations .