There is a lot that a person can learn from watching video's of others calling coyote . You can watch the reactions of the coyote to different scenarios and you don't need to react to them your self so you can be calm and just observe them . You can also learn some bad habits that others have . You can learn some of the things that others do when they are calling what sequence and sounds that they use . You can see how your calls don't have to be perfect , and they aren't often what we would think is perfect when done by the animals themselves . A good example is howls done by other people on different howlers or diaphragm calls when we hear them done by some people we say to ourselves what the 0986 is it they are trying to do here but then you hear coyote respond to it , or is it through the magic of editing ? As with all the things in this world we need to be cautious of what we take as gospel on these videos and as has been pointed out here the things that coyote in my area do may or may not be what they do in your area . The videos and the youtube sites have a good entertainment value and some good chances to learn it's up to us to sort it out as to what is relative to us and what isn't . The saying buyer be ware has been around for centuries for a reason sellers are often trying their best to hook you with some thing that they say is an innovation , newest , greatest and better then the others . It's up to you to prove to yourself if it really is better . I have at times gone into a store and been told that some thing I wanted would be on sale in a day or two , then gone back to buy it on sale only to find that the price has been marked up and the sale price may be the price it was before and some times a little higher then what it was before but people were buying them left and right because they were on sale . The saying ( keep it simple stupid )" kiss " has also been around a long time for a reason . I have seen on youtube where they said a coyote was howling but when you got to paying attention to it , it was responding to a person with a caller that was howling , modern marvels , I can set things up and swear that they are natural just like they do in movies , and if you haven't been around things to see for your self how will you know the difference !