Question about Wild Rangefinder

Oct 21, 2002
My gf just bought me a Wild Rangefinder and I was wondering if there was anyway to modify a camera tripod so I could use that instead of using the one that came w/ the rangefinder. It's heavy and so bulky. I read somewhere that someone bought a plastic or metal camera tripod and used that but I'm not sure how to modify it.

And is there anything I can buy/do to improve the looks of the leather on the outside cases?
There's a reason for the weight of the tripod--an aluminum one would have to be really sturdy to hold the weight of the Wild. I refinished the wood one and it came out beautiful--under that green paint is a beautiful oak tripod with brass fittings.
Spray on silicone boot conditioner works good for the leather.
I was wondering if you arnt interested in the tripod that came with the range finder if you would like to sell it. i have a barn stroud but the markings on it lead it to believe me its a wild. anyways if you are interested in selling it i would like to buy it. i use a sturdy aluminum or even a Surveyors tripod for mine. [email protected]
Yes, it was purchased from Deutsche Optic. $499 plus $20 for shipping and handling. $519 total. It was a Grade A. The outside case is a little scratched but the rangefinder is in excellent condition. Everything works great. The 2 tripods that came w/ it work fine, I'm sure I read somewhere that someone modified a camera tripod and it was lighter and quicker to set up. I'm just not sure how they modified it
...I would recommend the Wild, it's easy to use once you get the hang of it and works great.
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