Purchasing firearms related items in a presidential election year

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
4 years ago it was crazy hard to obtain reloading components and black rifles. The following is a quote from one of our Sponsors when I asked him how is availability.

It is getting tough. Mfgs are getting or already are behind. We have A LOT of stuff on order and hopefully we will get it. Even if we do I don't think it will be enough though.

The effect of this one could be even greater if we put obama back in. People will be scared of that leading up to the election and then there will be more panic buying after the election. Then if there is even a whisper of him wanting to do something along the liines of more gun control, it will continue. Going to be a big fall as long as we can get product!

B.J. Bailey of Third Generation Shooting Supply.

If, and I say if, we put Obama back in, he becomes a term limited President so whatever he does as it relates to the Second Amendment is of even less consequemce.

With that in mind and the various ongoing schemes like the McMillan finance and the proposed bar coding of brass, I suspect that obtaining loaded ammunition and components will become increasingly difficult. It's a 'knee-jerk' reaction from the shooting public and unfortunately, it's perpetuated by the sensational driven and polarized media and the manufacturers themselves.

I hope that it don't get as bad as last time when primers became so scarce that people were resorting to making their own, a definite exercise in walking on the wild side....

Ammunition prices (loaded and components) certainly haven't gotten any cheaper since the last dry spell, if anything, they have increased so it stands to reason that the pricing will continue to climb, especially for the specialty stuff.
So buy now?

Fueled by fear?

So if the bans come into effect ,w e just shot ourselves in the foot,by having a manufacting base in our homes,and to much stock pile ammo over some future limit?
Then have to turn it all in after some new regs and laws come into effect...

plus having spent too much of our money to get to a certain point..

No,I say no,ever body stop buying and prices should come down,,

I dont know,but,a lot of folks ignored the last so called ban,esp on 10 rd magazines,
Most I knew just ignored the idiocy of it..lightbulb

I am very happy that EDITED.
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While there is a 50:50 chance Obama will be replaced, there is a much greater chance that the Democrats will not control Congress, and they might even loose the Senate. Romney won't touch gun control. Obama may go for broke in his second term not having to face re-election, but he would have a tough, if not impossible time with Congress, and they will face re-election. The economy still sucks, and is getting worse. This will be the priority. He is not going to waste time, or executive privilege on gun control when he has so many other more important socialistic goals that he wants to accomplish. He proved this in his first term. Don't get me wrong, we should always be on our guard, but if Obama didn't do anything when he had total control with both houses, it will be less likely he will do anything in his second term. Even more so if Obamacare gets trashed by the Supreme Court. While I fully support the NRA, they are creating a lot of paranoia with the shooting public preceding the election. The shooting industry loves it. Volume will go up just as they did last election and we will pay more. Worse yet, quality could go down as it did with brass. If there is a shortage of supply this time around, my opinion is that it will be based on illusion, not reality.
While there is a 50:50 chance Obama will be replaced, there is a much greater chance that the Democrats will not control Congress, and they might even loose the Senate. Romney won't touch gun control. Obama may go for broke in his second term not having to face re-election, but he would have a tough, if not impossible time with Congress, and they will face re-election. The economy still sucks, and is getting worse. This will be the priority. He is not going to waste time, or executive privilege on gun control when he has so many other more important socialistic goals that he wants to accomplish. He proved this in his first term. Don't get me wrong, we should always be on our guard, but if Obama didn't do anything when he had total control with both houses, it will be less likely he will do anything in his second term. Even more so if Obamacare gets trashed by the Supreme Court. While I fully support the NRA, they are creating a lot of paranoia with the shooting public preceding the election. The shooting industry loves it. Volume will go up just as they did last election and we will pay more. Worse yet, quality could go down as it did with brass. If there is a shortage of supply this time around, my opinion is that it will be based on illusion, not reality.

I agree in principle. IMO, the NRA is perpetuating the stigma associated with Obama perceived attitude toward firearms and gun control, however, Obama can take a back seat and let his Attorney General, Eric Holder, mandate and execute policy concerning gun control, which he has in the past and which just might cause his removal from appointed office (Fast and Furious). It's also telling that Obama has invoked executive privilege concerning Holder and his production of pertinent documents as they relate to the gun walking fiasco in which an agent was killed.

Again, IMO, Obama is more about socialist values than immediate regulation of firearms, besides, it would be very difficult (and most likely with civil disobedience) for the administration to remove now legal firearms from the population in general.

However, always keep in mind that the President under the War Powers Act, can invoke martial law anytime he chooses. The invoking of martial law was evidenced in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina and the subsequent seizing of legal, registered firearms by law enforcement officials acting under that declaration. That applies to any President, not just Obama. Additionally, the Patriot Act contains language that in essence, allows American Troops to fire on American Citizens, if so ordered, in times of National Emergency or as predicated by the President of the Unired States. I have a major issue with that as well.

The Bank of America scenario with Kelly Macmillan was intimately discussed on this site. In my opinion, from reading the posts on here and other sites as well as taking a long view of BOA and their relationship with the government and how it relates to TARP funds, it's easy to deduce that the Executive branch could have had undue influence in BOA's decision to terminate Macmillan's line of credit.

When you hold the purse strings (even though the purse was actually taxpayers dollars), it's very easy to set policy while staying completely in the background. I have no doubt that the current administration is ant-gun and will effectuate it's policy using any method at it's disposal

Of course all the above is based on what I read and observe and may or may not be correct. In today's political climate, you have to wade through layers and layers of irrelevant information to obtain the correct information to base an opinion on.

Again, while I don't agree with all the premises put forth by the NRA, the NRA still remains the prominent gatekeeper in opposition to the eroding of Second Amendment Rights by any administration, not just the current one.

Past practice most times sets precident. In light of past practice and events, it's safe to say that we may very well experience component shortages, arms shortages and the resultant price increases (again), because pricing is always based on demand. That's sound business policy.

...........I'm glad I have spell check......:D
We have a president wig an agenda .He probably created more jobs in the shooting industry than green jobs . while I live in a state where almost every one hints there are many stars just the opposite.it will be tough on the shooting industries. Just a thought if it would be possible to get behind programs to introduce new shooters once a month at your local gun range. Just a thought we need new shooters .
I think we all need to talk up conservation and hunting, including the NRA. Anyone can obtain the means to defend home and property, it's hunting that's most suffering from this. It should be a growing sport and past time.
My Colt LE 902 just shipped Friday to my FFL who receives my firearms---not taking any chances plus got to see it in production at the plant. If he does win expect another run on componets and ammo. I am sitting pretty good on primers--may get another 5k GMM LR non mags though.
Well, between my previous post ans now, I see no artificially stimulated run up in pricing on firearms or components, at least not yet. If anything, I've seen a decrease in pricing on some models of firearms.

Being an NRA member, I'm constantly bombarded with 'gloom and doom' from them, something I find a bit tedious but I still support the NRA because as I stated previously, they are the gatekeepers of the Second Amendment as it pertains to the sport we all enjoy.

A while back, I got very disenchanted with the AARP and discontinued my membership with them because of their stance on Obamacare and Medicare, something I can't agree with. I can however, agree in principle with the NRA.

Only time will tell the final outcome and only all of us have the control over the outcome of the election and how the President and his appointees address our second Amendment rights. To that I say, get out and vote in support of your principles, I know I will, in fact, I've already voted absentee. I'll be in NM on election day.
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