Pulling bulletts with a kinetic puller

" Collet pullers are much faster for me and it leaves the powder in the case unharmed also"

Right there is the biggest advantage of a collet.

Don't forget, when you pull a bullet, you need to get all the powder out of the case with a kinetic, not with collet. Then size the case again. If there is residual powder in the case, it screws up your load.
Thanks Gene. My next question was going to be wether or not I should resize the brass. I was planning on resizing them so I set them aside and continued on with fresh brass.

That sounds like it adds a little excitement to the loading process.

When it happens for the first time , you think " Nah , it's just a freak occurrence , it 'll never happen again ."

The second time , " The LORD protects Fools and Children "
At the age of 66 , I don't qualify for the second group .
Never blew on up. I did learn some lessons about neck tension though.Wore myself out wailing on concrete, or a block of wood, no good reason for one not going off, so I'm claiming the same divine overwatch.
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