Ps help me find a barrel!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
Brookings Oregon
I have the 20 practical itch real bad. I have a new woa 20p upper but decided I want to use a bolt instead to preserve my brass. Plan on building it off a 700 action. I want a 1:10 or 1:11 twist.

I cant find any and the fellow at northland isnt returning any calls. I dont want to wait 3 months to order one - I want one NOW!

Contoured or non-contoured 204 blank is ok. Prefer to stick with Lilja bartlien criterion etc quality.

Any help/suggestions much appreciated!
Krieger has an 11" twist 26" long 1.250" straight blank on the shelf. You might see how long it would take them to contour it for you.
Lilja has In Stock barrels that can be shipped out to you immediately, As long as he has the contour you want.

Thanks for all the help! I have found a few candidates...alot of the 20cal left in stock are 12t which dosent seem to be as popular due to question of stabilizing 39/40gr bullets.
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