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For Sale Proof Research - Glacier TI - 300 PRC

Dec 17, 2021
I bought this rifle new, and have put roughly 300 rounds through it. Shoots as you would expect from a Proof, even with factory Hornady loads.

Proof Research Glacier TI Built by Proof
Proof Labeled Defiance Action
22" Sendero Barrel 1:9 Twist
Hellfire Match Brake

Rings, optic, bipod, and sling are not included.

I have 190 once-fired ADG brass, cleaned and bumped that I can include, as well as the Redding Type-S Elite Bushing Die Set.
I also have 100 Berger 215 Grain, as well as 100 Hornady 212 Eld-X.

$5500 shipped to FFL.

I purchased a LPR 338 NMI, so looking to sell this rifle.

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300 PRC 3.jpg

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