I know that when we got to talking about powder really hard. It began to show up. First it was shipping now it the war again. I didn't really seen any shortage after I got out of Nam. I saw shortage years after that in primers. I generally haven't purchase primes, because of the high prices presently. Brownnell has some BR2's but at $169 per brick. That about 4 times to high.
So I guess I will complain about it. Maybe something will happen. The fight with Russia I don't see it taking that much ammo to fight it. That's my gut feeling, nothing to back it up with presently.
I known the Fed's including IRS are purchasing large amount of 5.56 ammo. I haven't really seen where they have been in any gun fight either. Obama did that durning his term too. Maybe that's why they need the 87,000.00 people increase at the IRS.