Pray for people's safety in Florida

They are offering our fellow citizens $750 just like Maui. Meanwhile this 3 ring circus in Washington has given Ukraine 150 billion and the illegal immigrants 150 billion while our fellow citizens are truly hurting. Thankful we have a governor in Florida who is on the job cutting red tape and doing whatever he can to help our people while sending our national guard to NC, Tenn, and Ga to help. And yes, I believe in the power of prayer and will continue to petition our God thru Christ!
The amount of people missing and the fact officials are telling people that are trying to help to get out or they will be arrested is sickening to me. I can't even wrap my head around that.
its an unreliable source and the numbers are not correct. That is a 2 year expenditure. FEMA spends about 2 percent of its budget this year on non citizen services which are broad in scope. It's a complicated problem but without migrant workers, farming , construction, the service industries , restaurant industry don't function. My cousin owns part of a large feedlot in central Nebraska and he said they tried to not hire migrants but gave up as couldn't find workers. I know a Florida tomato farmer who is full on maga but he says that there are no white people who are any use to him . There isn't an easy fix to immigration as a lot of competing interests. There is an enormous misinformation campaign on what we do for illegals and sadly a lot of fertile minds that believe it all.

So as a country, fema has spent about 1.50 for every citizen in 2 years.

I can find quite a few Bible verses about how you treat aliens.

Whatever your persuasion, hopefully people know their sources bias.
its an unreliable source and the numbers are not correct. That is a 2 year expenditure. FEMA spends about 2 percent of its budget this year on non citizen services which are broad in scope. It's a complicated problem but without migrant workers, farming , construction, the service industries , restaurant industry don't function. My cousin owns part of a large feedlot in central Nebraska and he said they tried to not hire migrants but gave up as couldn't find workers. I know a Florida tomato farmer who is full on maga but he says that there are no white people who are any use to him . There isn't an easy fix to immigration as a lot of competing interests. There is an enormous misinformation campaign on what we do for illegals and sadly a lot of fertile minds that believe it all.

So as a country, fema has spent about 1.50 for every citizen in 2 years.

I can find quite a few Bible verses about how you treat aliens.

Whatever your persuasion, hopefully people know their sources bias.
You ramble on like a woman. I use h2a workers. I know how that works. They aren't illegal alliens. My post says nothing about illegals that you referred to here. So not sure where that came from.
I can find quite a few Bible verses about how you treat aliens.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty on this one. Many folks in this day and time that refer to themselves as "Christians" can use all kinds of verses as a pretext - instead of taking it in context. But here's the one that no Christian can get around or sidestep from the mouth of Jesus Himself:

Matthew 22:
37 ¶ Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
I spoke with @joseph singleton over the phone today. He and his family (and home) are fine, but his automotive repair/restoration shop took a hit. Seems the Crystal River flooded from the storm surge and filled his shop with several feet of water, mud, sludge, etc. Keep him in your thoughts & PRAYERS. Oh, and he DOES NOT currently have WiFi and if you know Joe….he only has an older "flip phone" for communicating with. Might be a while before he can get on here, but he wanted me to tell you guys "Thanks" and that he is okay. 👍👍👍👍

Thanks for letting us know