Pray for people's safety in Florida

Oh lord, looks like all the way up to North Carolina is getting torn up
Yes the thing was a real monster. We were very fortunate here in levy county no fatalities that I know of! Got 4000 plus customers power on today . Around 43,000 people in county don't know number of customers on the co-op plan . others are on Duke power don't know anything about them.
Finally got enough cell service to respond. We got hammered here in Valdosta!!! Thank God I wasn't tore up like so many here. This one was definitely worse than the other two. A little tin off my shop and a leak in the spare bathroom from a roof vent. Not sure. May be a couple weeks before we get our power back on from what I hear. So many way worse off than me. I'm blessed. Thanks for all the prayers!!! Nothing Better in my book🙏🏻
I spoke with the owner of TLH Tactical this morning, he escaped with very minor damage. Tallahasee.
Another friend there relayed the same. I suppose the worst was to their east.

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