Powder closest to H 100v for 7 Sherman Max


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2011
Hello- doing a 7 MAX with a 22in barrel on a tikka action. Rich suggested the Hybrid 100v as his customers are getting great velocity and accuracy with the new 145gr Badlands BDG2 copper bullets. That’s the bullet I’m going to run. What powder would get very similar speed but not be temp sensitive? I know there’s N550 N555 and N560 now. What should I try? I’m afraid Rl16 and H4350 will be a hair too fast. Was thinking on running CCI 200 or 250’s.
Hello- doing a 7 MAX with a 22in barrel on a tikka action. Rich suggested the Hybrid 100v as his customers are getting great velocity and accuracy with the new 145gr Badlands BDG2 copper bullets. That’s the bullet I’m going to run. What powder would get very similar speed but not be temp sensitive? I know there’s N550 N555 and N560 now. What should I try? I’m afraid Rl16 and H4350 will be a hair too fast. Was thinking on running CCI 200 or 250’s.

Winchester StaBall 6.5 >>> https://wwpowder.com/sb65/
Try some Reloder 17. Gives great velocity at low pressures and much better case fill than RL-16 and its in the same burn range as H-100 and H-414.
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