Post your 2016 speed goat kills here!!

This was my daughters first time to go hunting. She was a trooper and it was joy to get to pass along the love of the sport and the heritage of hunting and shooting to the next generation. We spotted him at about 1.5 miles and worked out a plan to get close enough for a shot. Our first stalk got us within 720 yards but I blew the wind call and missed. Most this goat's harem ran off over the hill and headed for the next county, but he stayed behind with about 5 does. They ended up circling down wind of me so I backed out of there and circled back around a couple hills and was able to crawl up over a cactus covered hill to within 500 yds, but I couldn't get a good read on the buck with the rangefinder because he laid down and all I could see was his head. I ended up crawling another 60 yards or so before he stood up and I ranged him at 420 and was able to put him down. There were frustrating swirling winds from 0-15 mph and I ended hitting him back in the gut, but the 7mm 162 amax out of the 7wsm trashed some major blood vessels anyway and he dropped in his tracks. Great day to spend with my oldest daughter.


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NE Wyoming taken with a 6.5x55 using a 130 Berger Hunting VLD. Only about 210 yards after a great stalk and sneak. Went about 3 steps and flipped completely over. I've never seen one have all four legs in the air when doing the death flip.

Love pronghorn hunting. Score just never means much, but the rancher taped it at just over 14.5" on each side and had good mass with ivory tips and nice heart shape.


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NE Wyoming taken with a 6.5x55 using a 130 Berger Hunting VLD. Only about 210 yards after a great stalk and sneak. Went about 3 steps and flipped completely over. I've never seen one have all four legs in the air when doing the death flip.

Love pronghorn hunting. Score just never means much, but the rancher taped it at just over 14.5" on each side and had good mass with ivory tips and nice heart shape.

Nice goat, congrats. Looks very heavy too. What part of NE Wyoming were you in? My dad, brother and I hunt in the Wright area (zone 27).
Wyoming unit 27, tagged out in 2 hrs


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Got mine opening day. 545 yards. Lots of wind! Unfortunately there was a bunch of other hunters after him too, so I took him before I really knew if he was the biggest in the group or not. I think he was, and I'm happy with that.


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My son Zayne cashed in his Antelope buck tag on this beauty in NE Wyoming. We stalked a mile before he had a shot opportunity. He was shooting a 375 Zayne with fireform loads. 105 grains of powder and 260 grain Accubond. We were hoping ing his dies would make it before the trip but unfortunately they didn't. This was his second nice buck he has taken.


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My son Zayne cashed in his Antelope buck tag on this beauty in NE Wyoming. We stalked a mile before he had a shot opportunity. He was shooting a 375 Zayne with fireform loads. 105 grains of powder and 260 grain Accubond. We were hoping ing his dies would make it before the trip but unfortunately they didn't. This was his second nice buck he has taken.
That's just great.
Shot at 482 yards with a 35mph wind blowing straight at me. Used my 7wsm and 180 grain Berger Hunting VLD's at 2900fps muzzle velocity. That's an exit wound on his hind quarter. Bullet entered at the left shoulder/ neck area and exited his right hind quarter. He was bedded down quartering towards me when I shot him. Bullet didn't open/fragment but definitely ruined his day.


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Shot at 482 yards with a 35mph wind blowing straight at me. Used my 7wsm and 180 grain Berger Hunting VLD's at 2900fps muzzle velocity. That's an exit wound on his hind quarter. Bullet entered at the left shoulder/ neck area and exited his right hind quarter. He was bedded down quartering towards me when I shot him. Bullet didn't open/fragment but definitely ruined his day.
Nice. He looks like an old timer to me.
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