Poll- Why are you hoarding ammo?

So, what are the real reasons for all the stockpiling?

  • Take on Gub'ment

    Votes: 13 7.4%
  • Gives me sense of purpose

    Votes: 6 3.4%
  • Going to find me a bell tower

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • The "O" word

    Votes: 49 28.0%
  • Satisfies strange sexual urges

    Votes: 23 13.1%
  • Kind of like the 401K I don't have, the price can only go up right?

    Votes: 34 19.4%
  • Compensating for something

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 45 25.7%

  • Total voters
Me and the GF bought 1000 mag rifle primers today,my guy wont let you buy any more,prevents assholes from buying him out for resale like they did a couple months ago.He got 1.2 million primers yesterday and a million a week ago,the is no shortage of primers or most powders in my neck of the woods.gun)

Your a lucky guy to have a good supply around you. I like that shop's policy.....maybe others should try it!
Hes a small time private dealer who does FFL 's and builds a few ARs,he has a will call list and he calls when he has enough to go around,he got burned by a couple gun show bandits early in this BS and wont sell bulk to anyone again.I f he even thinks you are buying more than you are using for yourself you are off the list,he wont supply for resale.gun)
I'm not hoarding, I normally have this much. You should have seen the supplies when I was shooting shotgun! I'd go thru over a ton of shot a year. Try figuring out how much power/primers that took!!!:cool:
It's easy to understand your frustration what with the current ammo/components situation. One of the sad aspects is that it is some of our fellow shooters who are contributing to the problems by mass buying when it hits the shelves and then marking it up and selling it to the gullible at gun shows. Seeing more and more bulk ammo at the gun shows with the "China Mart" stickers still on the boxes. I'm like you. I hope there is a sudden and unexpected turn around and those louts lose their shirts.

This whole thing reminds me of the Y2K panic. Person couldn't find a portable generator to save your butt. The one's that were available suddenly went up double in price. (the law of supply and demand) was the culprit. Yeah! Right! After the whole fiasco blew over, one could buy never used portable generators at garage sales for half their original cost:rolleyes:. I mean you simply cannot fix "stupid"! Hang in there, the pendulim will swing. it always does.:D
A little late on an older thread but.......

I don't hoard but I do feel comfortable when I have sufficient for my needs. Plus some to help others if need be.

I made the usual stop at Sportsman's Warehouse in Albuquerque, to do the usual browse of the empty shelves. They had a few nosler bulletsl w/a two box limit.

However, on the top shelf was 8# of US 869. Price was steep, it was there and I had the dough so I snapped it up. I don't think things are going to get any more available or less in price.

That 8#s plus what I already have is a life time supply for both my 338 Rum and 270 AM.

Now for some Retumbo for the even bigger girl and I'll be set for life.
It's even worse in California. They're about to make the purchase of ammunition difficult-to-illegal. Get it now and store it where it's cool, dry and protected.
No hording here. Can't find enough components to even dream about hording. But it's silly to assume people here are hording. There wasn't even an option on the poll for people that are not doing it.
call it stocking up call it hording, call it what ever you want, In today's political climate you would wise to get what you can while you can. I just got all the equipment to load my own and I still snap up commercial ammo. Now I don't really need to buy commercial ammo any more. I do it anyway because components may get really hard to get again. you are going to hate me for saying this but I have 20,000 primers in my office. 10,000 each of large and small rifle. soon I will have enough powder to load all of them. when I get paid again I am order another 1000 bullets for my .308 and 16 pounds of powder. I want to have a significant stock pile. Now add to that when I work schedule permits I burn though a lot of ammo in a week. I LOVE TO SHOOT. so between shooting a lot and trying to stock up, I burn the candle at both ends. The next time powder valley has primers, I will order more because I know how hard they can be to get. We may never go through that shortage again or next time might be worse. I don't want to take that chance.
Well about the 3rd time I needed ammo or components and couldn't find aforementioned ammo or components after spending the better part of a weekend looking in every gunstore/Wal-Mart/etc. store in town and realizing I wasn't going to be able to go to the range, shoot prarie dogs or reload ammo all weekend for lack of said ammo or components. I decided that next time I ran into ammo or components that I needed...I better get more than I need at the time. The bad part is....after making that decision, I haven't been able to "hoard" just about anything I need. I'm down to about 500 large rifle primers. I am critically low on some of my choice powders and I have: 1.) about 20 loaded rounds of .223, about 10 loaded rounds of .338 winmag, about half a dozen loaded rounds of 6.5x.284 and I've got just enough pistol and rimfire ammo as to not be nervous. So currently I'm looking to get a few 8 pounders of powder, as many Federal gold medal match primers I can get my grubby hands on and lots of bullets for my rifles so I won't ever find myself this critically low. So in short I want to hoard,..but due to the shortages I have been unable as yet to do so. I will be a much happier guy once I have a decent stock "hoarded".
Warning! This thread is more than 13 years ago old.
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