Point me in the right direction pls


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
First post and yes its a question...(my appoligies)

I am in the market for a Bull barrel for my Savage 110 270 win...But despite endless google serching I cant find a manufactor. I have called one company that I did find and was told (cough) $695.00 for barrel in my cal. with muzzle break installed. I am pretty sure there are much better deals out there than this if anyone can pls point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

I know others will say get an 308 and it will be cheaper etc etc...But I am inlove with the 270cal

TY Chris
First post and yes its a question...(my appoligies)

I am in the market for a Bull barrel for my Savage 110 270 win...But despite endless google serching I cant find a manufactor. I have called one company that I did find and was told (cough) $695.00 for barrel in my cal. with muzzle break installed. I am pretty sure there are much better deals out there than this if anyone can pls point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

I know others will say get an 308 and it will be cheaper etc etc...But I am inlove with the 270cal

TY Chris
Well Im not going to tell you to get a 308. I will tell you to look at Pac Nor barrels they may have what you are looking for. No need for a brake on a 270 in my opnion but hell why not. Contact Kevin Cram at Montour County Rifles he can talk you through the whole thing. Also if its a hunting rifle no need for a "Bull barrel" this is a mistake I have made in the past getting a barrel profile that was just too big. Anything is better than factory in most cases. I would look for a barrel that will finish at 26" get all you can from the 270 win case.

Look at the pac nor # 4,5, or 6 would be my choice. Flutes are a nice touch.
First post and yes its a question...(my appoligies)

I am in the market for a Bull barrel for my Savage 110 270 win...But despite endless google serching I cant find a manufactor. I have called one company that I did find and was told (cough) $695.00 for barrel in my cal. with muzzle break installed. I am pretty sure there are much better deals out there than this if anyone can pls point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

I know others will say get an 308 and it will be cheaper etc etc...But I am inlove with the 270cal

TY Chris

I think that E Arther Brown (Eabco) Makes pre chambered barrels for the Savages in most

As has been said check savageshooters.com .... Jim Northlander carries prefit McGowen and Shilen barrels I don't think he has any 270's right now but he can certainly get you one . The downside is it may take 8-16 weeks to get it.

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