Point Blank From Long Range 2


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2001
Palmer, Alaska

Thanks for the review, I'll look for the link that had the "where to order" in it.
Much appreciated.
Hi Dave,Butch and Holly will be very happy to hear you liked it..As for me,I know I had the (I don't know what the hell to say)look a few time's
.But it will get better.I only had one person at the show give me any trouble.By saying THAT'S NOT HUNTING.Funny thing was he stood there and watched the demo twice..
And came back with a buddy a little later and watched it again.99% of the people who stopped to watch it were the JAW DROP people who stared at the screen for 5 min without blinking.I also liked talking to some one about the video and having them look at me like WHO THE HE!! ARE YOU.And then they would look at me and back to the TV and say,HEY, THATS YOU...
.One kill was put in there for a reason.The butt,head shot one....That was to show that even a poorly hit deer will not just RUN OFF never to be heard from again.Any way glad you liked it.And Vol#3 is already in the work's.There will also be a Groundhog video released some time this year...............I will be back in the booth next weekend.Hope to see some of you there...


The butt/head shot deer was a little different, I forgot specifically about that one...good one for the "they'll run off never to be found" naysayer group.

Some good scenes showing other deer just standing around after one of the herd was killed. Also the scene where the miss was fired then deer jumped and stood directly on top of the impact site until the second round killed it. Good example of the deer aren't deathly afraid of the impact sites.

I'll be back up next Saturday, see you then.

Picked up a copy of the new movie yesterday, and it's really good!

Quite a bit different from the first version, went from a more "Group of Hunting Buddies Memories" to a "Helpful and Informative Group of Hunters teaching".

Boyd Heaton is featured and provides considerable narration and video lessons (He appears to be new to public speaking, he does quite well and looses some of the "dry mouth look" quickly).
Bobby Hart has a few clips and there is a hint
of marketing but not enough to detract from the video.
Butch is his ever jovial self, sort of what I'd expect if someone made a video of Santa Claus hunting. I miss the part of Butch climbing over the edge of the cliff face at the end stating that long range hunting sure is hard work. I believe all the series should end the same and that was a pretty good ending in part #1.

Areas I believe will draw criticism from several factions (non-hunters and the "TRUE KEEPERS OF THE FAITH HUNTERS".

Two young hunters are shown shooting deer at distance, this will "draw fire" I believe from two directions. "Real Hunters" will believe these young hunters are being cheated out of the real meaning of hunting and the "gun control freaks" will not be too happy either with young folks using firearms.

Those "****" head shots, the "What Hunter in his right mind!" folks will have a field day with that aspect. The shots are taken and made but they will draw flack as always.

BUT, you can't please everyone so let the movie stand as it is.

I believe the movie is very good, and I look forward to the next installment.

Recommendations for the future movies IMHO:

a. Be careful of the marketing, don't get into the infomercial business.

b. I liked the picture-within-a-picture segments with associated narration. I was watching the movie and learning at the same time.

c. The breakaways for education were well done, keeping interest and teaching were well proportioned.

d. Find a method to do a sloooowwww motiooonnnn "flying circle" highlighting the "trace" from the spotters perspective. Trace was awesome in several segments, very informative for someone aware of it's significance. (The "trace" segments alone are worth the price of the movie!!)

Good movie, one I'll watch several more times and show to friends on numerous ocassions.

[ 02-10-2003: Message edited by: Dave King ]
Dave & Boyd

For any of the folks who say "that's not hunting", I can/would only say, Sir, to "you" it may not be hunting.
To those of us who have been doing it for many years now, I can assure you it's MUCH harder then just walking in the woods with rifle in hand and finding an animal on a trail or bedded down.

Our real work starts when the animal goes down as we are a longgggggg way from it most of the time. Finding the legal game you want to kill in the bigeyes, is not a piece of cake either.

We also will not fire a shot if a hunter is anywhere near that animal. That's why we are the safest hunters in the World and none can argue that point. Nobody has ever been wounded or killed by a longrange hunter.
With our bigeyes as seen in the video, we can see EVERYTHING on the far mountain, especially hunters.

These are the comments I usually give back to those who know NOTHING about our sport.

By the way, That wasen't Boyd in the video. It was his twin brother "Lloyd."
Boyd has that orange size mole on the tip of his nose that is to distracting for video work

Wish I could have made it to the show this year.

Darryl Cassel

[ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
Hey Big Sky - Do you still have the original LR video from last year? It never made its way back to me. Fortunately, I was able to get a second copy from Butch.

Okay. Haven't seen/heard anything from him. Oh well, at least I have the other copy to look at. Think I'll get two of the new PBLRII, just to be on the safe side.

Hi guys,

Picked up a copy at Harrisburg and I love it. I think I have watched it four times since picking it up on monday. 1st thing I did after getting home and before looking at all the usual brochures I end up with after the show. Only problem was I had to wade through the crowd at Harts booth to get it. No doubt it drew alot of attention. A friend of mine who was with me has never been longrangin' and couldn't believe seeing the bullet wash ( gotta get that boy out chuck hunting this summer ).

Only one draw back to watching the video.....to many nice guns !! Made me reconsider my choice of the 300 RUM for a LR set up...that 30 Hart is one AWESOME round.

Lots of good points made in the video. My dad,who used to be a non-believer,will be impressed by the accuracy of the shots made. He is getting primed to go on his 1st LR deer hunt this fall ( as long as I get all my gear together by then and am comfortable with my gun ).


I keep forgetting to drop you that email ref to the rangefinders. I'll try not to forget tonight.


I thought you did a good job with your commentary ! What ballistics program were you running when you did the drop chart ?

Good shooting


[ 02-13-2003: Message edited by: billinpa ]
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