perfect shot or was it ???????


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
cumbria, united kingdom
Now i dont have a photo or any witness to this shot ,i was out for an early mornings deer stalking when i spoted this fine doe on the edge of a river bank i got down and placed the cross hairs on the vitals and squezed off down it went ,now just before it hit the deck a fox carrying a rabbit walked by the deer and the deer fell on it killing it instantly, and as it was going down its head caught the branch of a tree sending a small twig into the air this twig then struck a duck sending it spinning down towards the river,just before it hit the water a salmon rose and the duck struck it on the head also killing it instantly now was that the perfect shot or whs it
I don't think I could have kept track of everything....
What he didn't tell you is that while the self congratulation dance was happening, a wild pig passed by and ate the lot... so no photo.


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