Pandemic Pricing Issues?

Here is where we agree, colossal failure at Federal level but there are two distinct critical catastrophic failure issues here. The progression of the disease which I agree failure to react by Federal to lead and provide. But there is a second part to this from a Pandemic Planning requirement that every State is required to comply with and that was not even close either. The Pandemic Planning program has been in place for what 15+ years? It just looks like to me complacency and the "It won't happen here" attitude has gotten us to a very bad place. The financial strength of the Federal government is worthless if devices and PPE is not even on the shelves either at the State or Federal level. You can point to other countries but that is irrelevant since there was a 15 + year plan and it was not followed by anyone. IS it the right plan? Maybe with better execution at all levels but that remains to be seen going forward. States do need to have devices and PPE at their ready PLUS the Feds need to not only coordinate but have supplies as well. States have lead agency authority based upon State sovereignty they want for federal programs all across the board. This is no different on how the Pandemic Planning was rolled out.

The progression of the disease and failure to react more quickly totally agree Fed's is major catastrophic failure to accept it could happen here. We would be in a much different situation IF the Fed's reacted more quickly AND the States complied with the Pandemic Planning requirements, managed the medical devices, appropriated PPE as required. Yes there would be need for significantly more BUT this was a giant CF from the get go. Even if the Fed's responded more quickly, the States were still delinquent in meeting their Pandemic Planning requirements. I disagree on the funding because the the states DID have the funding for 15+ years and did nothing with it for Pandemic Planning as they should have. They did purchase ventilators that are now on the scrap heap from lack of basic routine maintenance. Even units supplied by the Fed's were ***. Can't we even perform simple tasks at government levels? I bet you inspect the all the devices you use. And where is the PPE that should have been acquired under this plan? The PPE would not of "spoiled" over time and woul dhave been available to help mitigate some of what you are facing right now. How is readiness assessed under this plan at State and Federal? You can't prove to me there was a readiness assessment performed at routine intervals based upon the results we are seeing.

You speak to the Fed gov folks that were released. The States were supposed to be staffed as well since they were lead agencies. What happened there? We can argue WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE but there was a plan and it failed at all levels. You can disagree with the Pandemic Planning program but nevertheless it was the plan for State and Federal agencies to respond. We all agree there will be major changes in this perspective going forward. I hope.

To sum it up from my perspective:
  1. Catastrophic failure of Fed's to react at early signs of the outbreak in China to start the Pandemic Plan initiation ASAP.
  2. IMO - Total failure of the Pandemic Planning program at the State level to insure medical devices and PPE were obtained under the PP. They were REQUIRED to do so and they did have the funding in the 15 years of the program.
  3. IMO - Total failure of the Pandemic Planning program when there is no understanding of the need for the Fed's to have devices and PPE available to assist and supplement the States inventory. Remember this is a 15+ year old program that NEVER accounted for this to be needed. That has been proven to be a grievous error of judgement in the program itself.
  4. IMO - if you do not fund, staff, train, inspect and audit a program, you don't have a program. A program of this critical need failed at all of these requirements. At all levels of government. Obviously this was never done at all levels.
  5. IMO - Contingency plans or even call it emergency response plan like this ONLY can work if they are tested regularly with all imaginable scenarios with immediate appropriate corrective and preventive actions. Everybody looked like Keystone cops which points to the plan was pulled out of a file drawer and now what?
  6. Total failure in social control of the disease progression or vector management however you choose to call it. The countries that are getting it under control have basically enacted a version of Marshal Law. We just say "please don't do that" and look what we are seeing... people at beaches, parties and so on. Even the governors of those States DID NOT want to lose the economics so they waited before they closed things down. Heck, I still have neighbors having non household people show up. WTH? Polite social distancing will not work since we have to many self centered people who don't give a crap about the next person. If we won't comply with disease vector management, nothing at any level will stop it from rampaging across the country. Only MANDATORY lockdown will solve this with any degree of success. I got a text from a friend that went steelheading yesterday that did not fish because the guys were literally shoulder to shoulder fishing a popular run in the river and did not want to be near anyone.
You are PO'ed at the Fed's from your perspective they should have done everything to prevent the disease progression and I agree with you as well. But I am PO'ed at both (State and Federal) based upon a 15+ year plan that failed miserably without any indication the program ever had any coordination, oversight, staffing and so on built into to it. Even if the Fed's responded on point, we still would be in trouble without having the supplies that are needed that should have been acquired during the program existence at both State and Federal levels. Even the vector management concepts were so weak, they could never stop the spread. Even our representatives were failing in social distancing as leaders what does that say? Ventilators can fail over time but they can be rotated out within their lifespan, but basic PPE stockpiled will not and that should have been done. States still need to have stockpiles because they can react faster than asking the Feds to ship whatever when the other 49 States asking the same. That is why there is still a need for States to be ready as well. Fed still need to gear up for this going forward and things need to change if states do not want to give up their lead agency perspective on this program.

I believe in the Quality, Environmental and Safety management programs. They have proven they work to insure the goals and results meet the need. They are basic in Plan DO Check and Act which insure the cycle, goals and the performance of the program will be met. A well managed program can react to this time of a crisis as long as it is supported by "management" and in this case Federal, State and local governments. It can be done and HAS to be done going forward.

You are on the front lines and you need the help right now. I truly understand your plight and how frustrating this must be to not have the basics available to you for your own protection. If I had access to anything I would send it to you right now.
Coulda', shoulda' woulda'!! Maybe keep our heads out of the sand and pay attention to what our State and Federal governments are doing with our tax money. Who could have foreseen what has developed. It appears China wasn't as forth coming about the severity of this outbreak, and our politicians were too busy pointing fingers at each other over who should hold the reigns of power. Blame ourselves for electing and re-electing the same worthless people who are more interested in what is in it for themselves instead of doing the jobs we elected them to do. As a result, they (the congress/executive branches) can not bring themselves to work together, even in 'normal' times. With all that needs to be looked after in todays' world, it has become more than any one person could possibly do. But team work doesn't exist in our government(s), just the quest for power and who holds the 'purse' strings. Point a finger and there are 3 pointing back at you.
Everybody seems to be pointing fingers, seems nobody wants to stand up and take blame.
It's a little of everyone's fault-- is it not also the fault of each and every person that has not taken their own steps to prepare and keep themselves and family safe, and each and every person that has not listened to or believed the guidelines or directives that were suggested?
I feel each and everyone of us has some blame and responsibility and consequences for our own actions -- we all grew up years ago-- mama don't take care of us anymore
My great grandmother used to say "God takes care of those who take care of themselves and others"
Everybody seems to be pointing fingers, seems nobody wants to stand up and take blame.
It's a little of everyone's fault-- is it not also the fault of each and every person that has not taken their own steps to prepare and keep themselves and family safe, and each and every person that has not listened to or believed the guidelines or directives that were suggested?
I feel each and everyone of us has some blame and responsibility and consequences for our own actions -- we all grew up years ago-- mama don't take care of us anymore
My great grandmother used to say "God takes care of those who take care of themselves and others"
Well said!!!
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