Packing for a hunting trip as an elderly

Don't forget the snake bit medication, and a nice easy chair.
Talking about getting older. I just had a pacemaker placed in me. It's not that big of a deal unless you are left handed, like me. Another one of those deals. I wish I had. Being left handed, and using my left shoulder to place the butt or either my rifle or shotgun there a problem with the location the devise. I am going to have to be very careful in placing my rifle butt to shoot I did talk about it with my doctor, but I felt that where he generally places them. Hard to brake old habits.
I always carried my cell phone in my tee shirt which is on the left too. Can't do that anymore. Have to be careful about arcwelding too. Being under high powder lines can cause problems too.
The golden years!
Mike the docs are talking about that for me.
The problem I have is they have to kill area (Ablation)so the signals from the part that makes your heart beat will not work anymore,only the pacemaker works.What if the battery goes dead?
I'm on meds to try and keep from a pacemaker.
Enlighten me brother as I may need one soon
Dang, I feel like I'm a youngin compared to the rest of you. Reading many of all of your posts over the years I thought you all were in your mid 40's, you guys just burst my profile of you in one thread . Lol!
We were your age and you will be ours. The day will come when your mind says you can do it but your body says I don't think so. Wait till your knees are shot and your lungs are great. 😉
Last year , 4 days into my west Texas hunt, my lips were so dry and cracked, I could hardly talk . We headed into a little town which only had a gas station, but had the much needed chap stick . I bought 3 , relief was on the way . My knees were so bad on that trip , I'm thankful that I had some chemical ice packs and Ibuprofen. Over last winter, I had both knees replaced, can't wait to go back this year .At 64, I'm out walking 3 miles 5 times per week, I'm in better shape now than when I was 40.
I just had a complete physical also last week. Complete blood test 2 pages long. Everything was pretty good. Only thing that wasn't real good was blood oxygen. I told him I know I have apnea. He said that's why. Now I have to go through the CPAP machine thing. 🙄 I just turned 65.
I am on my third machine, I know how you feel!

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