Well-Known Member
Did you vote for Hillary ? Because you are sure are anti gun right now.
I do not agree with the regulation of semi automatic for hunting and never will. I chalk that up to a loss for the hunting/shooting community. We as hunters and shooting enthusiasts need to fight to keep the rights we have before it turns into a snow ball effect. I personally do not currently use any of my auto loaders for big game hunting so it wouldn't affect me personally if they were to ban the use of them in my area but i would still fight to not have the law passed.
The problem today is not everyone thinks about the big picture. They just care if it affects them directly without realizing that the passing of laws that don't affect them in fact will one day. It will because the more you give them the more they(anti gun community) will take, They will NEVER stop. That is why we must protect our rights even if they don't directly affect us.
Most of the nations hunters don't use/own suppressors so they could really careless if they were even legal to own much less legal to hunt with or even own without a tax stamp. That doesn't make them an Obama or Hillary loving left wing idiot. They are just not understanding that passing of the laws that doesn't affect them eventually lead to the passing of laws that will take away their right of something that they love doing. That's how this works, slowly chip away at it until you eventually succeed.
I see no need to personally attack others for their opinions. Instead turn your frustration and concerns to your local, state, and national representatives. Let them know we as gun owners are fighting for our rights and we will vote/elect for someone that will stand up and fight for us. Send them emails, letter, and call to voice your opinion. Any public office holder will pay attention to the voice of millions as that is potentially millions of votes for them. If every pro gun person would send one email per week to their representatives then they would be more tentative to our agenda!
The left wing is fighting very hard every day and night to strip us of our rights. Are you fighting just as hard or harder to keep them or are you just winning and calling them idiots while they take your rights away??