I don't think allowing semi autos or Sunday hunting would increase licence sales.
Did allowing cross bows help license sales, or just convert more hunters over to archery?
No doubt the loss of the pheasants affected sales, but otherwise its been a gradual shift
in what people conceive to be important to them.
Fact is a week at a deer camp someplace has become less so to more and more of them.
Semi autos and Sunday hunting would allow more options, but it wont increase the basic interest required to promote hunting.
Hey, now I can go on Sundays and use my AR, game on, I think ill start hunting. lol.
Fudds or as P. O. Ackley calls them in his books: "the .30-30 Fraternity"...
MD doesn't allow Sunday hunting for all seasons either - stupid. We can at least use modern auto loaders invented in the late 1890s...
Good Luck
No, that's not the way I've seen it or heard it where I live sales would go up on guns and ammo. Young people would be more apt to go hunting with a cool rifle other than that old lever gun your great grandpa had, and to me there is nothing wrong with hunting with any rifle. But these young guys want something different, think back when you started hunting and be honest with yourself what kind of rifle did you want? The game commision is crying about loss of young hunters well guess what they just screwed up again. And yes, it would have increased the basic interest required to promote hunting.
I doubt there would be many 30/30 fans roaming around on this site.
I think most of those guys switched over to the silent version, (cross bows) anyway. lol
But I guess the weekend warrior brown goes down crowd will have to bide their time some more.
By the way, are you aware of the fact that PA has the 2nd largest population of senior adults (fogeys), in the country?
And just think, without them there would even be far less licenses sold, and far more empty camps during deer season.
The Remington pump lives to see another season!
Well there you go, if slinging lead is what you need, they are certainly up to the job.
Take my word on that, this old fogey has owned and used 2 of them over a 70 year hunting career.
It's got nothing at all to do with guns, hunting, game management, or being denied an opportunity to participate, and every thing to do with an ever increasing bunch of whiners thruout our society.