Out of State SD Antelope and Deer hunters BEWARE

Deer and antelope in the SE part of Montana have taken bad hits in the springs of o9 and 10 reducing population in some area by 70% . This winter so far has been tough also, hate to see what it does to them also. NE MT has been really hit hard this year , I would do alot of check before I spent my money in either area. I would be surprised if F&G closes anything , they didn't last year in the SE part so it got hunted hard
This was just posted in our local paper. Above average snows and game hanging out by the train lines, BNSF trying to keep track. Have hit large herds and F&G or local law had to finish off wounded, 800+ goats and 200+ deer.
Why is the game department not spending of the tag money to feed the wild life like they used too. sounds like too much money going into government pockets again to me. Every one should start complaing about it.
A few years ago Oklahoma raised deer tag prices and after the season we found out the game department had rounded up hundreds of deer and sold them to another state before that season.
every thing always goes back to the almighty dollar.
And the public gets ripped off again.
Game Departments aren't in business to feed wildlife, other than under severe winter circumstances. About the only regular feeding I'm aware of is the elk out in the Jackson, WY area every year at various spots. I doubt that your Game Department rounded up any deer and sold them to another state with the various diseases they are all trying to keep in check and not allowed to be spread to other states. If you have evidence that they did, please post it! Rumors and he said she said don't count!!!
Why is the game department not spending of the tag money to feed the wild life like they used too. sounds like too much money going into government pockets again to me. Every one should start complaing about it.
A few years ago Oklahoma raised deer tag prices and after the season we found out the game department had rounded up hundreds of deer and sold them to another state before that season.
every thing always goes back to the almighty dollar.
And the public gets ripped off again.
Respectfully, I looked on the web, and Oklahoma doesn't have a GAME department, like my state Washington it's now a WILDLIFE department. Meaning they are as invested in scavengers and predators as they are GAME animals. Hard winters mean scavengers and predators do well.
A few of us nut jobs argued against this change here and lost, predicted hunters paying the freight, and losing opportunities. You can watch live video of hibernating bats on their website (Washington) if that's your cup of tea.
When we had a Game department we did a little feeding in critical areas, in critical times. Our Wildlife department trained on Disney films, can sing "Circle Of Life" in just about any key.
You are correct-The only thing they respond to is their paychecks becoming endangered species.
Topgun 30-06 is correct about it being unlikely deer were sold across state lines. The motivation isn't there to overcome the obstacles. Washington received 99 Pronghorn
this year. The Safari Club I think funded it, transplanted them to the Yakima Reservation so all the red tape could be avoided. This has been tried before and failed, and unless a lot more predator control is done to keep the coyotes in check this herd will dwindle as well. Circle of life.
Any word on the southern Black Hills, Hill City to Custer area? Thinking about trying there again.

I don't think they got hurt as bad. Fall River County seems to have plenty, I'm just across the state line in Wyoming, we have plenty of goats.
Hey kraigwy! Do you live around Newcastle?

Generally speaking, the area from Hill City on down south through Custer to the state line in the Black Hills doesn't get enough snow to cause the animals any harm. There are mostly whitetail deer in the area and generally I would say you need to go on down south of Custer to get into a decent amount of mule deer.
Yeah, Newcastle, or almost, I live right on the border where Hwy 16 crosses the state line.

The mule deer didn;t seen to get hurt here, nor did the antilope, I the goats just west of town (Newcastle) in are 7.

The herds of both (deer and antilope) are all slpit up now do to fawns, but they'll herd up again before hunting season.
Great area and completely different scenery from your home depending on whether you go east or west! I've told several newbies to antelope hunting on a couple sites to put in for unit 7 and to get off the roads and actually hunt to have a good time and shoot a goat or two! It looks like Newcastle will be their home base while they are out there and a couple are talking about tenting it out in the BLM.
Area 7 is great, lots of National Grassland and Private walk in areas. No need to worry about where to hunt. Get a thunder basin National Grassland map and a Walk In Area map (the latter from the fish and game website).

If one doesn't get a goat in this are its because he forgot to get out of bed.
That's exactly what I told them if they got off the roads and did some walking because the goats are there. I actually have a CD ROM for Wyoming and I made and mailed them a good map of the east half of unit 7 with all the walkin areas marked, as well as the Grasslands and even put a bunch of waypoints on the map so they will know right where they are. If they do their part, they should have a good time.
from what i'm reading, it seems as though the northern parts of SD were hit harder than the central/southern parts. is this correct? i live in Rapid City and for the first time i will (hopefully) be hunting the grasslands for deer and antelope bordering the badlands as well deer in the black hills. should i still be able to expect a good year?
If you can walk and have the time to be serious about taking both animals I would think you will be okay. I don't know what the deal is over in antelope unit 7 in Wyoming, but they cut the buck tags way down like there was a big dieoff or something that I haven't heard about. The unit sold out of buck tags in the draw because of that when previously there were usually leftovers for sale.
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