Otis Lifeliner


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2014
central S.C.
I found a new pkg. of "Otis Lifeliner" I forgot I bought ($100+- with shipping in2008-9). Has anyone used/know anyone that has used it? They no longer make it and it is supposed to be redone every 1k rounds. Some of the claims is that it helps badly worn bbls. , greatly extends the life of a good bbl., coats the inside of the bbl. with a nano-ceramic coating that reduces friction/heat.,etc.,etc. I talked with "Otis Co." this A.M., they don't want it back and don't have any more so if it works I can't follow the mfg. instructions of reapplying every 1k rounds. Anyway if I find out it works I guess I'll use it on guns that are on their last legs bbl. wise. Thanks, Paul
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