If you do over the counter in Colorado be prepared to work to find animals and not people. I hunted otc archery and had a great experience. However I found people everywhere. I didn't kill an elk but could've killed everything else in Colorado from giant mule deer bucks, moose, and bear. I did find elk but was unable to get it done before my time ran out. I hunted for 2 weeks and saw people every day. Didn't matter if I was 10-12 miles in or less than a mile from trailhead. More rugged the area the less I saw. But some areas the elk had done passed through and when I found them they were close to private and ultimately wound up there. Saw a couple different herds with huge bulls in them but couldn't get in range in time. I so wish I had a deer tag when I was there or a bull moose tag. I saw at least 4-5 bears a day and deer were everywhere at and above timberline and some big ones at that.