If anyone is interested in a Gunsmith's opinion of this whole matter; here it is. in the 12+ years I have been in business I have seen a plethora of people with 1960's triggers up to the year they changed them to a "structurally superior" trigger. Along the way I have either replaced the guts with a trigger system that is on my opinion better than the trigger system they have now. the kit is easy to install and tune. the kit is from Jard. the triggers I tell people to get are Trigger basix, Jard, Trigger Tech, Jewell, Geisselle, Shilen, and Huber Concepts. I have only installed Timney at the owners request. My experience with timney has nearly been 100% horrific. I have had to rebuild, true up, re-cut sears, and basically re-manufacture the internals of every timney trigger I have worked with. the triggers listed above with the exception of timney are far superior. Also some are even less expensive.
Later Suckers... a K-frame is begging for my attention.